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So Taehyung is seeing this guy Minjae. The two are really cute and #goals. But then Minjae's ex shows up. Minjae starts to hang out with her, canceling plans with Taehyung giving bullshit excuses and not the truth.

All seven boys go out to dinner one night and they see Minjae there with the girl, and he's kissing her. The sight breaks Taehyung's heart and his six friends get mad.

- - -

"Taehyung if you don't go confront him right now I will not only beat his ass, but I'll beat yours too." Seokjin threatens with a knife in his hands.

"Let me just take that." Namjoon took the knife out of his boyfriend hands and the older rolled his eyes.

"Taehyung do something or I promise you I'll be committing murder tonight." Jimin glared at the pair three tables away from them.

"I'm not going to do anything and neither are you guys. I'll just break up with him tomorrow, I down want this to bring down our night." Taehyung played with his fingers beneath the table.

"It already brought down our night." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I'm going to beat his cheating ass." Jungkook went to stand up but Taehyung pulled on his arm and shook his head no.

"Text him, ask where he is right now and say you want to see him." Yoongi pointed to Taehyung's phone that was facing down on the table.

"If he lies then we'll make his life a living hell. If he tells the truth then you two might have a future together and can fix your relationship." Hoseok said and Taehyung nodded.

The silver headed boy unlocked his phone and texted Minjae. When he sent his message, all seven boys looked at Minjae to see if he'll respond. They all watched as he pulled out his phone and replied to Taehyung. He turned off his phone and went back to kissing his ex.

"What did he say?" Jungkook peered over to see the message.

"I can't tonight, my sister and I are gonna watch movies, yk quality sibling bonding. But we can meet tmr if you're free? Red heart emoji, sparkle emoji." Jungkook read aloud and Taehyung's heart sank.

"I'm going over there to shove a fork so far up his ass he-"

"Please don't." Taehyung stopped Jin from standing up and causing a scene.

"Taehyung he-"

"I know, but he shouldn't ruin our night out. Let's just worry about this tomorrow." Taehyung sighed. The guys all looked at their friend solemnly.

"Fuck that guy. We're gonna get back at him." Jimin smacked the table and the guys looked at him.

"Get back at him? What do you mean babe?" Hoseok tilted his head slightly.

"I mean, he cheated on you right?" Jimin looked at Taehyung who nodded sadly.

"Then cheat on him back! Make him feel what you're feeling, if he think that can see other people then you do the same. Give the same energy he's giving." Jimin explained and everyone agreed with this plan.

"But who would we even use? I mean I gotta a lot of guys that would be interested." Seokjin pulled out his phone to get pictures for potential candidates.

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