Wrong Guy: Explanation

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* not edited bc I'm lazy *

Okay I lied. I wanna actually explain everything. I hate myself :) so after this is posted ima go delete my little a/n in the end of the chao before

I know you's guys wanna know what happened between the Jeon's so I'll just explain it here. I'm not gonna write a super detailed chapter abt it, I would've done that if you chose Junghyun. But this will have details just not the ideal amount.

Both boys come from a divorced home and live with their mother.

Back in highschool Junghyun was the popular guy, the guy everyone loved, the guy everyone wanted to be. He could have any girl he wanted, could be the captain of whatever club he wanted. He won student body president each year. He had the perfect grades, the perfect smile, the perfect personality, the perfect sexuality, he was just the ideal man in their society.

Jungkook on the other hand was not. Jungkook was the disgraced twin. He kept to himself, didn't like anyone never tired to make friends. Anyone that approached him he'd brushed them off since he knew they wanted to get close to him to get closer to Junghyun. Jungkook was known as "Junghyun's weird twin" not as "Jeon Jungkook."

He never joined any clubs, never did any sports, never had the perfect grades because school was difficult for him and no one wanted to tutor him. His brother was too busy to even bother. He had blow average grades, d's c's and sometimes b's. He never smiled, he never showed his caring and warm personality, he wasn't the perfect heterosexual male since he was a homosexual through and through. But he was in the closet during high school so he wouldn't face anymore backlash he already did.

Yoohyeon was the popular girl at school and she was always shipped with Junghyun. One day Junghyun asked her out and she agreed. They were the power couple of the school. Everyone wanted what they had.

At home the twins were the bestest of friends. They'd hang out together in their shared room, play Overwatch, watch movies, fight over a bag of chips. Just brotherly things. Even at school Junghyun tried to be as close as he was to his brother but Jungkook kinda pushed him off so he wouldn't damage his brother's reputation. He loved and cared for his brother he didn't want to pull him down.

But Junghyun was a stubborn man so he always sat with Jungkook during lunch, always went to his brother when they had free periods, he always used his free time to be with him.

But when Yoohyeon and Junghyun started dating things changed. Junghyun has another priority to his life now. He had his work and student body president, captain of two sport teams, working hard to keep his grades up and now he has a girlfriend. Jungkook was seeing less and less of his brother during school. Which he didn't mind, he actually preferred it. But they always, always sat with each other during lunch. That is something Junghyun wouldn't put off since he didn't want his brother eating alone.

Even if Yoohyeon whined about it, and wanted her boyfriend to sit with her and her friends Junghyun would refuse. He said if she really wanted to sit with him, then she'd have to join him and his brother.

So she did.

She got to know Jungkook and he wasn't as bad as everyone labeled him to be. Jungkook found her annoying but he enjoyed her company. They all sat together in lunch for now on and Jungkook and Yoohyeon got to know each other. Junghyun was happy that his girlfriend and brother were getting close. Maybe now he could have finally a friend.

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