Slow Motion

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BTS are doing their army muster concert in Seoul. They have to dress up in silly outfits and play games as they held a performance(s) in between the activities.

Jungkook loses a game and has to spin the penalty wheel and it lands on giving one of the members a lap dance.

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"WHY IS THIS EVEN A OPTION!" Jungkook screeched into the microphone mortified. The fans were cheering, excited to see this segment.

"So bunny boy. Who are you choosing?" Seokjin said seductively and all the members did sexy poses with dumb faces. Jungkook fakes a gag.

"I can't just choose that'll be so weird." Jungkook shivered in disgust and turned to face army. "Everyone yell out the member you want to see me seduce, but refrain from yelling out Namjoon and Seokjin hyung please, I don't wanna be the cause of a lovers quarrel." It was already know that Namjoon and Seokjin we're dating, they came out to the world three years ago then came out as a couple last year.

The members snorted at Jungkook, but were curious on who will be chosen. Taehyung and Jimin's names were the loudest.

"Okay so either Taehyung or Jimin." Jungkook sighed he really wished he wasn't in this position.

"God Taehyung or Jimin." Jungkook repeated. He groaned and rubbed his face, the two boys giggled. They enjoyed watched the maknae struggle and suffer with himself.

"Okay you two, rock paper scissors and see who'll get the lap dance." Seokjin motioned them to start the game. Yoongi was hoping on everything it's not Jimin.

"Winner gets Jungkook." Taehyung said nonchalantly and Jungkook flushed red from the neck up.

"Are you okay kookie?" Taehyung gave Jungkook a confused look.

"You can't just say stuff like that hyung!" Jungkook was beyond flustered, he turned away from the older to try and hide his red face.

"Awww Jungkookie." Hoseok playfully teased and the maknae shot him a glare.

Jungkook pulled out his phone and googled "how to do a lap dance." The 95 liners were about to begin the game but then Namjoon cut off their actions when he spoke.

"Why are you on your phone? That's so unprofessional." Namjoon snatched the boy's phone and read what was on it.

"Oh my god you're so innocent!" Namjoon gushed and Jungkook blushed again. All the members and fans were asking what was on it.

"He googled how to give a lap dance." Namjoon cooed and the everyone either cooed with him or laughed. It was really a innocent thing for him to do and it was adorably funny.

"It's okay Kookie, I'm sure you'll be fine, you're one of the best dancers we have." Taehyung reassured. "Yeah yeah." Jungkook waved him off pouting with his face beating red.

"Okay let's get this started." Jimin called Taehyung over so they can play the game. Everyone watched intensely. Taehyung hopes he'll win and Jimin wished he wasn't even an option.

They played and the screen above showed their hands. Taehyung has rock and Jimin has scissors. "Oh thank god." Jimin and Yoongi said in relief. Everyone looked at Yoongi weirdly and he just shrugged it off.

"Well looks like our winner is Taehyung!" Seokjin annouced and the fans cheered especially the taekook shippers.

"Look forward to seeing this later." Hoseokie laughed and Jungkook sighed. They all walked off stage so they could change back into their preforming outfits since they had three more songs before the lap dance. The screen showed a skit the boys did so fans won't just sit there staring at nothing.

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