Valentine is coming!

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erryone's straight 🤕
Top Kook

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Star basketball player Jungkook has all the girls asking him to be their valentines but he isn't interested in anyone not when he already has a boyfriend...


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Jeon Jungkook:

Jeon Jungkook:

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Kim Taehyung:

Kim Taehyung:

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" will you be my valentine?" The girl cheeks were tinted pink, she put a loose strand of her behind her ear then looked up at Jungkook with hopeful eyes.

"No." Jungkook rejected flatly then walked off to the locker room.

"Wha-" Her mouth fell open and her friends that were cheering her on from the sidelines were shocked.

"You're so cold man." Hoseok slapped Jungkook's shoulder blade when the younger walked in the room. He saw everything from court and felt bad for the girl.

"Why don't you ever just go out with one of 'em, I've seen you regect at least ten girls the past three days." The happy man ran his fingers through his dyed red hair before taking off his sweaty shirt from running suicides.

"I don't care much for women." Jungkook eyes lingered on his team mate a little longer than necessary. He then shrugged and everyone in the locker room turned their heads.

"You don't what-" Seokjin blinked twice.

"Did I just hear that right?" Yoongi popped his head out from behind one of the rows of the blue lockers.

"How can you not care for the love and kindness of a woman?" Jimin walked up to Jungkook and placed his hands on the younger's shoulders and shook him.

"I'd rather receive love from a woman than my family." Jimin let his hands fall from Jungkook's shoulders.

"Something like: I love you baby, I miss you baby." Jimin sighed lovingly, picturing his future girlfriend perfectly.

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