Chapter 2. a little bit about full-stops and the first reasons

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A full-stop is actually quite an interesting thing. Just think about it for a second: such a small thing could end something unimaginably important . A full-stop has ended all the most passionate feelings, the bloodiest wars, the most painful tears, the brightest lives...Small things shouldn't be underestimated.

The greatest stories has always ended with just a small spot of ink.

Full-stops exist in our lives too, although they look different. For some, a full-stop is an illness or age. For relationships, it's usually another person or an incident. For dreams, it can be somebody's words. All full-stops are different, but the main thing is still the same. Full-stops can end anything.

For Scarlet, a full-stop was a truck, rushing with a great speed and a drunk driver behind the wheel.

I can still remember it. We were returning from one of our dates and just reached my home. Her home was just across the street and she only needed to cross the road to be back safely, but the fate had different plans.

Scarlet kissed me on the cheek and stepped on the road, when suddenly that track appeared out of the blue and put her full-stop.

Now, while looking out of my window, I can still see that very place of her full-stop. Her laugh, her kiss, bright light and a track - everything flashes right in front of my eyes like a video tape.

My hand quickly pulled the curtains, closing the window so that I couldn't see that place anymore. I turned around, looking at my room and trying to decide on what I was supposed to do now, when I noticed a new letter, lying on my desk.

It was Scarlet again.

I rushed to my desk to open the letter and started reading it.

«My dear Anthony,

I'm happy, that you are being serious about my idea and my task. It's nice that you got two notebooks, just as I told you to, but, dear, they need to be filled with something and it won't happen if you continue spending all days in your stuffy bedroom. In addition, you also need some inspiration for you stories, right?

Why don't you go out today? While looking at the city from above, I've noticed that there's going to be a festival near the pier. There will be competitions, attractions, games and some tasty snacks. Why don't you go there? You like such events so I think you will enjoy it!

I love you with all my heart, Anthony, and I'm going crazy from how much I miss you.

Forever yours,


P.S. the notebooks are really cute!

P.S.2  be careful when you cross the road!»

Smiling, I put a letter to the side and got up to get ready to go the festival, that Scarlet was talking about. She's watching me from above and she's going to kill me if I don't go...I meant, she'll be very angry.

I opened my wardrobe and looking in the mirror, I immediately felt all the nasty thoughts, crippling into my mind again.

My black hair was sticking out in different directions, my skin got paler and my eyes were...extinguished. In the past, Scarlet used to love my eyes for their lively blue color...In addition, I got thinner because I didn't have much appetite after her death, which will be the reason why some of my clothes are probably going to hang on me now.

I doubt, that anyone could love me again. I didn't have that sparkle inside of me, that made Scarlet fall in love with me and I didn't even look like the Anthony I was, when I just met her. Scarlet was a miracle, that happened in my life by an accident, but miracles don't happen twice.

To be honest, I don't think that someone could ever love me again even if I still looked the same. It was something inside of me that has changed. I was like a broken toy now, lying on the shelf and waiting for someone to remember about me and repair me. Whatever broke inside of me was now hurting as hell and others just didn't care about it, only thinking, that I'm "always dull now and not as fun as I used to be".

I'm left on my own with my thoughts and I can't tell who's going to win.

So many lives could be different if only people were kinder and more attentive to each other, but the society nowadays just prefers to close their eyes at the problem because it's much easier, than actually solving it. Some problems can indeed be scary and it takes courage to open your eyes and look them in the face, but it's necessary to do it. If you don't look at your enemy, you can never overcome it.

I sighed.

People create so many problems for each other and all the roots come from the lack of empathy.

I headed back to my desk and opened my black notebook, writing down the first reason: people.

Suddenly, I felt shame. Not all people were like this after all. It is unfair to say so about all the humanity because there are still those, who sincerely love one person their whole life, who risk their lives to save others, who did marvelous things, proving people that anything is possible if you don't give up. There are always such exceptions amongst all the bad people in this world.

That was why I reached over for my peach notebook and wrote down the word "exceptions", which will now be my first reason to live...

Because Scarlet was one of such "exceptions".

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