Chapter 3. cotton candy

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The moment I stepped out in the streets, I felt the wind, entering my head and blowing all the unnecessary thoughts away with it. This was a strange feeling, but also a pleasant one at the same time, which was one of the reasons why I enjoyed going out for a walk. The fresh air helps me clean my mind. It feels as if my head gets lighter for a few grams after even a 10-minute walk.

It was in the streets, when I get the best ideas for my stories.

And now, it was the perfect time for the evening thoughts: twilight.

Do you know why twilight is the best time for thinking? In the daytime, people are usually way too busy for clear thoughts, sunset often romanticizes everything and in the nighttime, thoughts are somewhat heavy (unless you look at the stars). I don't think, that I should say anything about sunrise because at that time, most of the people can only think about that son of a....the person, who woke them up.

Thus, twilight is the perfect time.

Walking down the streets, I couldn't help but notice how I was the only person who was simply walking and enjoying my surroundings and the calmness, that was in the air. Everyone else was either rushing somewhere or they were distracted with something. There was nearly no one, who was just walking and thinking about different things.

In fact, I must notice, that there aren't much thinkers left in this world in general. This was extremely disheartening for the good old-fashioned romantics and poets like me. People have started to prefer doing everything quickly without stopping for a second and asking themselves: "Am I doing the right thing? Is this what I truly want? Will this bring me positive results? Is it worth it?". With such a quick speed of life, we are starting to loose some important parts of our lives. Growth is good, but sometimes, everyone needs to rest for a moment or else, they're risking to break apart.

Thinking about so many things, I didn't even notice how I reached the festival and for once in my life, I was happy, that I came here on my own.

Bright multicolor lights, loud music, carousels, cotton candy, popcorn - it felt as if everything was rotating around me. Basically, it was truly like this somewhere in my own world.

I decided not to ride the rides and attractions and not to participate in the games. Instead, I got some pink cotton candy and sat down on one of the benches. I wanted to appreciate this moment and to keep its beauty in my memory. No photos, just with my own eyes, because no photo will ever be able to capture the feelings you were feeling.

Everything was so indescribably beautiful, especially with the lilac skies above. It wasn't my first time, when I caught myself thinking about how beautiful our world actually was. I may be suffering from my feelings, but I can't lie and say that I hate this world for it is truly beautiful at times.

If only we could forget about what hate, war, hunger, discrimination, terrorism and death was....

Suddenly, I noticed "someone", standing right in front of me.

That "someone" was a little girl, about 7 or 8 years old, with short brown hair and big curious eyes, which were staring right into my gloomy blue ones. Her cheeks were covered with freckles, what was really cute. She was just cute herself actually: snub-nosed, with plump lips and pink cheeks and she was wearing a pretty white dress.

I was so confused, not knowing what to say, because she was obviously looking at me, while waiting for me to do something, but I was terrible with kids. I never had any experience with them since I was the only child.

"Um...Hi." I finally managed to say

"Why are you sitting here alone, while eating pink cotton candy? Is pink your favorite color?" She suddenly asked

I needed a moment to answer because of how unexpected this whole conversation was.

"I came her alone because I simply want to enjoy this moment." I replied " And this is my favorite flavor."

"Boring." She said, sighing and making a tired facial expression

"It's not boring. You'll understand it once you grow up." I tried to explain her.

"This is plain boredom. Wanna bet, that I'll still think so once I grow up?" She asked me

"I won't make a bet with you." I answered "In addition, you know too little about such things to bet on them."

"I know enough." She continued to argue "And you haven't answered my first question: why are you alone?"

"You're changing the topics too quickly." I noticed

"And you're complaining like my grandpa."

"Hey, I have nothing in common with your grandpa. I'm only 24."

"Ew, yours so old!"

"I'm not old!"

She sighed heavily and sat down on the bench next to me.

"Your gaze is tired. That is why you look old." She said

My mouth opened slightly because of her both, straightforwardness and wisdom. She was a lot older, than her age.

"I'm the same." She suddenly spoke again "This is why I noticed you. Tired people feel each other."

"I'm not tired. I came here just about 15 minutes ago." I said

"I didn't mean "tired" in that way."

I was about to reply, when suddenly...

"Elizabeth! There you are!"

A man and a woman, who I supposed were her parents, rushed over to her. Her father lifted her up and hugged her as her mother spoke to me.

"I'm so sorry for her. She's such a troublemaker! Did she cause you any trouble?" She buried me with questions

"Oh no, not at all!" I responded hurriedly "She's a very interesting person to talk to!"

"I'm so sorry for her, once again." She repeated, smiling softly at me

Soon, all three of them left, leaving me, sitting on that bench alone and it was only then, when I remembered about my cotton candy, which I didn't even start eating.

Peculiar girl and a peculiar conversation. What an interesting evening.

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