The Tsunami~Part Two

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~This is the second part of the chapter I wrote yesterday

Soon after they had everyone at the top of the Eiffel Tower, now they had to find the villain. "Everyone spread out if you see her follow her. As soon as you find her call everyone." Lady Bug demanded. Everyone nodded and headed off in different directions. It was a good 10 minutes before Chole spotted her. "I found her she's at the top of the hotel." Chole said. "Coming." Everyone repeated. Once everyone arrived, she actually started talking. "Nice to know everyone else is safe but you guys will be washed down the drain!" Ocean said laughing. "We will not be defeated!" Lady Bug says determined. She tries an attack but misses. All five of them taking turns trying to attack Ocean. All of a sudden water came crashing in. Everyone swam to the top. It had almost cover the Eiffel Tower, but wasn't tall enough yet. "The water will continue to rise until each of you give me your miraculous. Lady Bug first of course followed by Cat Noir, then the rest of you." Ocean demanded. Lady Bug turns to the group. "Guys I have to. The whole town will be killed if I don't. Innocent people." Lady Bug says winking. Everyone caught on but Chole. Alya kicks her underwater. "Oh" Chole says realizing. "Can I just talk to them real quick." Lady Bug asks politely seeing the water rising. "Five minutes little bug. I'll be at the hotel. "Okay everyone file into a little circle, Chole you be in the middle. When I start taking my earrings off you go underwater and swim behind her.  Once I give them which Alya will provide with her power. Chole you'll sting her. Once she's frozen Cat Noir use your Cataclysm to destroy where her acuma is. Nino you then need to protect us incase she tries to counter act the sting. Got it?" Lady Bug says quickly. "Got it." Everyone says. "They all swim over to the hotel. "Okay, I'm ready ocean." Lady Bug says pretending she's tearing up. Alya makes her earrings disappear and appear and her hand. She hands them to Ocean. "Nice doing buis" Ocean almost says stopping in her tracks. She floats there still. "Cataclysm!" Cat Noir says destroying her watch. Miraculous Lady Bug!" Lady Bug says throwing up the fake earrings. The water disappeared and everyone returned to their front door step. Lady Bug led all the fellow super heroes into a alley. Collecting their miraculous. She returns them to Master fu and returns to her house. "Mom!" Marinette says hugging Mrs.Sabine. Marinette's family had a celebratory dinner that night. Celebrating her graduation tomorrow evening.

~Thank you so much for 69 reads that's amazing. Keep reading and I'll keep writing, luv ya🥺💍💕

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