Shopping with Christina

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I met Christina at the dress store. She already had over 10 bags in her hands and was on her 40 bagillionth purchase most likely.

"Chris, don't you think that's a little to much?"

"Oh sweetie these are for you go along home." she says then leans over to my ear and says "the pink bags are for Tobias."

Happy that I get a day away from shopping with Christina I skip back home.

I walk in to Tobias and Zeke sitting in my couch drinking beers. "Zeke out, NOW!"

"Well we know it's someone's time of he month don't we Tobias?"

"Get out Zeke!" Tobias says aggravated

"FINE!" Zeke get up and stomps out the door.

"What's in the bags?" Tobias questions

"They're from Christina she said the punk ones are for you, you can go through them while I go pee"

When I walk out of the bathroom Tobias is holding up a thong. "Tris how come you don't where this for me?"

"Oh Tobias there will be a day when I let you pick out what I wear and what we do for the day but that is not today, and you want to know why today is not the day Tobias."

"Why?" he asks like a little kid

"Because my little Tobias has had to much big kid drinks" I say bopping his nose. "but Tris I love you!"

"Tobias honey I know you do and if your good today maybe tomorrow will be your day! but its time for bed I will be waiting for you sweetie".

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