About Beca Mitchell

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Beca Mitchell is an 18 year old high school student who loves music and has her heart set on being a Dj. However, her dad insists that she gets an education as her dream is stupid.

Beca acts tough on the outside but once you get to know her she is a sweet, kind and caring girl who would do anything for those that she loved. Beca was a part- time Dj at one of her favourite clubs to earn a little bit of money. She loved this job as she was a Dj in that club and she was one step closer to reaching her dream.

Beca had long wavy dark brown hair and dark blue eyes that almost looked black. She always wore black eye liner and mascara whenever she went out anywhere.

A/N~ I know that this chapter is quite short and maybe a bit boring however, I thought that I should introduce the two characters until the actual story starts so that you have a little bit more of an understanding about the characters

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