the "talk"

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Beca's pov

I need to talk with her! She needs to know about my feelings! I think she already does know about my feelings but she needs to hear it from me. My nerves are kicking in as I walk down the isolated hallways (you didn't think I would do it during school did you?). I reached her classroom and walked in quietly to find her marking papers
"Miss beale?" I spoke up quietly
"Beca? What are you still doing here" she replied instantly
" i came to speak with you. I know you're probably gonna tell me that it can't happen and will never happen because I'm your student but I can't hide my feelings any longer as I think I love you Miss Beale"
She stared at me for a while and then smiles as she slowly got up out of her seat and walked towards me.

Chloe's pov
She always knows how to make me smile. Not to say she always arrives when I need her I mean I was going to talk to her tomorrow but I guess today is good. I got out of my seat and started slowly walking towards beca. She must have froze because she didn't move a muscle, I placed my hands upon her cheeks and pulled her closer to me so that our lips touched. Our lips moved together and it was amazing! Omg!  Im in love with beca Mitchell!

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