Are we dating?

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Beca's pov
SHE KISSED ME! MY TEACHER KISSED ME! Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it especially after I confessed my love to her but now my mind was clouded with feelings making my thoughts inaudible to myself. I slowly pulled away with a huge childish grin on my face
"Are we dating now then?" I stupidly asked
"Hm I don't know are you gonna take me on a date?" She replied with her gorgeous voice that always made me feel safe
"Hm sure I will but where?"
"My apartment I'll cook dinner" she smiled and quickly scribbled down her address on a small bit of paper
"7pm tonight don't be late beca" she quickly packed up her things and left the room. I couldn't move I physically couldn't move not only did I confess my love to my teacher and she kissed me in return, I had her address I was going to her house for dinner, TONIGHT! Shit I need to get ready! What will I wear? Shut it beca and just get on with it! I left for my house and let possibilities of what may happen tonight pass through my mind some more than others and once I got home I quickly changed into some black skinny jeans a white vest top and put my leather jacket on. I applied the minimal amount of makeup to my face and then went to miss Beale I mean Chloe's house. My heart jumped out of my chest as I stood at her door, finally I knocked on the door...

Thank you all so much for being so patient with me, I've been stressed a lot lately due to being in the last year of school and me having exams coming up. I decided to write this next chapter to a prove I hadn't died (if you follow me on Instagram you would have known I was alive add me @ezria_sendrick_47 ) and because It's currently 4:40 am on Monday February 24th and I'm stressing over mocks I have today so I haven't slept and writing this chapter calmed my nerves I'll try update this story as often as possible but please don't give up on me. I love you all so much and appreciate you all so much too thank you for being so patient with me
                                ~ Ellie x

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