The surprise

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The next morning Beca arrived at school and she couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the night before. She had Chloe's number! Beca had music first period so she started walking to her class.

Beca's pov
I walked through the congested corridors towards music. I couldn't stop thinking of her, about her gorgeous sky blue eyes and her red locks of hair. I arrived at music class and I heard the teacher say something.

"Good morning everyone I'm your new teacher" I recognised the voice and immediately looked up from the floor and she was there. SHE WAS MY TEACHER! I didn't know what to say so I just smiled and quickly walked and took a seat at the back of the classroom. I couldn't help but smile all lesson.

Chloe's pov
I was stood in my classroom with first day nerves. So many questions rushed through my mind. Will the class be nice? Will I be a good teacher? Will the students like me being their teacher? I also kept thinking about Beca and the night before. Although I had left her my number she hadn't text me, my thoughts got interrupted by the school bell going and a flood of students burst into the classroom.

"Good morning everyone I'm your new teacher" I spoke calmly until I saw this one brunette walk in and lifted her head up from looking at the floor. It was BECA! She had lied to me! I immediately started panicking on the inside as I had gave someone in high school my number! I tried to disguise my panic during the lesson. The bell finally rang it felt like hours since it had sounded before.

"Class dismissed have a nice day everyone, um beca may I speak to you for a second please" the rest of the students flooded out until Beca and I  where the only ones left in the room. Beca had a smile across her face and she sat in front of my desk.

"Hello chloe" she spoke softly
"Don't call me that Beca, I can't believe that you lied to me then I gave you my number, please get rid of that piece of paper with my number on it as if we give each other a chance then I will get into a lot of trouble loose my job and if the police get involved to to jail for a very long time"
She just sat there and looked at me as if she was disappointed in me or something

"Come on why don't you take risks I like you and we have a lot in common it would be a shame to stop us here"

"There is nothing to us beca so don't say us I think it's best if you only spoke to me in class and that's it you haven't done anything wrong I just find it wrong that if we dated you would be dating your teacher"
She quietly stood up and walked out of the classroom slamming the door behind her. I did the right thing why can't she see that yes I liked the small brunette but we could never be anything because of the situation that we are in. I put my head in my hands and just sat there thinking and re-considering if I had done the right thing.

A/N~ hey I hope you enjoyed the next part in the story. What will happen next ? Will beca win over Chloe's heart and make her change her mind? I will try update this again tomorrow or maybe in a couple of hours. Also if you have came from my Instagram to read this I would appreciate it if you message me areas that I could improve in my story or even for suggestions and you never know your suggestion could make it in the story and I will give you credit. I love you awesome nerds and stay awesomely weird ❤️

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