I'll win your heart

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It had been a couple of days since chloe had told beca that they couldn't be together. However beca was determined to be with chloe!

Beca's pov
I was sat in music class. Chloe was sat at her desk and I had a smug smile across my face knowing what was about to happen.

The door burst open and a group of girls walked into the classroom with bunches of flowers for chloe. I made sure they didn't go to my school otherwise that would be weird like "hi can you take these flowers to our teacher" I wish it was that simple. When they handed her the flowers a bigger smile crept upon my face as the redhead looked at me with daggers. How did she know it was me then I realised I still had a huge smile on my face.

Chloe's pov
I was sat at my desk whilst all my students did their work when all of a sudden about five girls walked in with bunches of flowers and placed them on my desk. I instantly looked up at beca who had a huge grin on her face. I knew it was her! As I looked closely at one of the bouquet of flowers I noticed a piece of paper and opened it and it was beca's number. I looked up at her again who was mouthing "call me" whilst making a phone shape with her hands. I ripped the piece of paper up and watched her face drop as I mouthed back "I've already told you it's not gonna happen it's too weird"

AN~ hey guys sorry it's been a while since I have wrote and that this chapter is probably crap as it was rushed I've had a lot going on with family lately and tbh I haven't had much inspiration. For this chapter I got the inspiration for the flowers from Brittany's movie John Tucker must die. Also I would appreciate it that if you have my insta you message me with some ideas that you would like to see incorporated and I will give you credit. Once again I'm sorry it took so long to write this but I will try be more active with it and try to publish a chapter at least once a week.

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