Chapter 2

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      Sanem got to work early for her morning briefing at the department. They would usually discuss major cases they were investigating and make important announcements. Unfortunately, these briefings had become the most exciting part of her day because she got to hear about interesting cases, unlike what she was often assigned to.

She remembered the previous night at Deren's place. They had a little too much to drink, watched a stupid reality show which made them laugh hysterically, then they talked about work and Sanem promised she was going to be more positive. Deren believed in releasing positive energy into the universe that Sanem thought was silly but she had made a promise to try at Deren's insistence. Okay, today is going to be a great day! The Captain is going to give me the best case there is and I will prove to everyone that I am a good detective.

She stopped walking right at the entrance of the station and took a breath. She exhaled and motioned forward with her hand that wasn't holding her cup of coffee, as if she was releasing positive energy. Just as she was stretching her hands out, someone opened the door knocking her hand hard and spilling her coffee. She jumped backwards successfully avoiding ruining her clothes with coffee stains. 

'I'm so sorry Sanem Abla, I didn't see you there.' a nervous junior officer apologized obviously shocked to have done that to his senior. Sanem chuckled at her own stupid actions and cursed Deren under her breath. 

'It's ok dear, I would've been angry if you had spilled it on my white shirt' She patted him on the back trying to make him feel better and quickly made her way to the briefing room.

Bulut saw her coming in and made his way to her. 

'Sanem hanim, you're early as always' 

Bulut was one of the only people she actually got along with in the department. He never made a move on her or belittled her unlike her other peers so it was easy to make friends with him. Bulut and Sanem had joined the agency around the same time so they had a lot in common. They shared their disappointments and wins. Recently though, she didn't feel comfortable sharing how she had been feeling because Bulut was partners with Sarp, the Captain's right hand man. They were working on a big case, involving a major operation of the smuggling of stolen artifacts from Istanbul to buyers abroad. A case she had been interested in and had been working on for months. As much as she wanted to work on the investigation she didn't want to make Bulut feel bad since he had always been supportive to her. 

'Of course I am, the question is how come you are?' They started walking together towards the briefing room. 

'Ah, I couldn't sleep so I figured I might as well come to work. How was girl's night?'  he winked at her. 

She smiled surprised that he knew about  that. 'How do you know about that? are you spying on us, Bulut bey?' Bulut laughed at her accusation.

Sanem looked like she was solving a math problem.

'or have you been talking to Deren? did she tell you?' she asked excitedly. 

'yoo, not exactly, I asked her out for the 50th time yesterday and she used it as an excuse not to say yes'  

He added after a pause.  'At least she wasn't lying this time, right?' 

'Ah Bulut, you don't give up do you?' 

  They reached the briefing room and sat in a round conference room table where Sarp was already sitting. Bulut greeted him and sat next to him while Sanem gave him a nod and sat across from the both of them, Her relationship with Sarp had somewhat turned awkward over the past couple of months. She knew he liked her and she had tried her best to not lead him on. But a couple of months ago he had asked her out. She couldn't gather the strength to reject him on the spot so they had gone on a date.

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