Cheering Up, Egyptian Style-Chapter Six

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I was just coming home after a long day in the city.

The KISS guys were expecting me to be all happy and cheerful, but to their surprise, I wasn't.

I just stormed off to the bedroom to change into some comfortable clothing.

"What's gotten into her"?

Paul wandered out loud to the others.

"Ain't she supposed to be on her period"?

Ace questioned, tapping on his chin like a detective.

Vinnie shook his head.

"No, she's not been having it for almost three months".

Peter was confused.

"But you two still have sex, right"?

He asked, getting himself a laugh from Paul, Gene, and Ace.

"We have our moments..."

The Ankh Warrior shrugged his shoulders as he grinned in a sheepish way.

Everyone then heard me coming out of the bedroom.

"Sweetheart, what's been making you feel so down in the dumps"?

Eric Carr asked, and then he kindly sat me down next to Vinnie.


I mumbled softly.

"Hmm...that doesn't seem like nothing".

Gene looked over at me closely.

I wrinkled my nose and hid my face in the ankh warrior's chest.

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