Go Slinky Go!-Chapter Thirteen (KISS x Reader)

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In the dressing room, the band was putting on their makeup and I was cheerfully skipping across the backstage area.

"Ooh, a slinky toy"! "I haven't seen one of those since I was a kid".

Ace got up and caught the toy in his hand.

I laughed and made a bubble of chewing gum in my mouth.

"Hey that's the kind of chewing gum that I use"!

Peter whined and I blew another bubble.

"It was the last stick and I can always run to the candy shop to restock".

Peter hissed at me and turned around to face the mirror.

"While you're there, can ya get me some more sweets"?

Ace childishly grinned at me.

"But the last time you bought some candy, you got a stomach ache and puked all over MY costume".

Paul gave Ace a serious look, and the SpaceMan didn't even pay attention to what was being said to him.

He was too busy playing with my slinky toy.

I laughed again and then left the dressing room area.

In no time at all, I arrived at the candy store.

I picked out two huge packs of chewing gum and small bag of space cookies.

After paying for the items at the cashier, I hurried back to the band's dressing room.

When I got there, Paul, Gene, and Peter were out on stage setting up their instruments.

"Ohh SpaceAce"? "Guess what I got"?

I called out to the lead guitarist.

As fast as gravity could carry him, Ace was running towards me.


Ace made a move for the treats, but I turned them away.

"Just one space cookie, okay Ace"?

Ace chuckled and took one cookie from the bag.

Peter was happy to get his own huge pack of chewing gum.

He excitedly took a single stick of chewing gum and popped it in his mouth.

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