🇫🇷Starchild Selfie🇫🇷-Chapter Sixteen🇫🇷

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The present day members of KISS were on tour in a foreign country and I was walking with Paul Stanley to see all the sights.

He was in a really good mood today and this made me laugh a little bit to myself.

Paul wanted to take selfies next to all the things that he found very fascinating.

"Hallo Hallo"!

A French police officer smiled and waved at the Starchild.

Paul tried to speak in French, but he probably messed up a lot of words.

I laughed at his funny attempts.

Tommy, Eric, and Gene were visiting the museum.

The cultural statues and many famous paintings were so interesting!

At one moment, Gene took a bite out his hot dog that had ketchup on top.

It accidentally splattered on Starry Night, a painting made by Vincent Van Goh.

"My bad"!

Gene held up his hands up in protest.

Tommy and Eric both started to snicker to themselves quietly.

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