Question 797 Continuation

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(Before we start, I'm so sorry for not updating this in a long time. I've been going through so many other things, and I don't know how else to finish this, so...)

Meggy: (wakes up and screams, knowing that Mario getting kidnapped was a dream)

Mario: Meggy! What happened?!

Meggy: Mario... it was horrible. You got taken away because you did horrible crimes you would never do. I thought I would never see you again... (starts to sob)

Mario: (hugs and kisses Meggy) I will never be taken away like this, Meggy. I promise.

Meggy: Thanks, Mario. (hugs and kisses back, as she and Mario went back to sleep)

Ask Meggy Anything! Part 5 (Questions 726-915)Where stories live. Discover now