change of fates

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"You have to help us!" a blurry woman screamed trying to reach out for a guy.

"There's no one else who can save us, please help us," a child wailed looking like he was about to puke his guts out, as though something evil was lurking around.

I saw the world burning with a blazing fire and cracking like it had never done before. The screams of the people were always clear, haunting me like nothing else. Pointing fingers at me implying that I didn't help them.

I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air to fill my lungs, a sheen of sweat coating my forehead. I try to calm down my rapidly beating heart but the reminder of their cries and screams from the nightmare made it difficult for me to breathe.

I've been having this dream for months now. People crying out to me to help them but all I can do is stand there terrified of what is happening. I can't help them; I can't save them.

I took long, deep breaths trying to calm down my anxious heart. Wishing that I could sleep well at least one whole night but I just lay on my bed instead staring at the ceiling, thinking about my life and all the other stupid things.

After a long time of staring my eyes started to feel heavy and I fall back asleep only to dream about a movie I had watched the previous night, note to self: never watch a horror movie on a school night.

That is when my alarm decided to scare the hell out of me, to remind me that it is time to start getting ready for attending the small and evil hell hole on this earth. Yeah, I'm talking about my school.

I shake my head as if that simple act could make those horrible nightmares go away. But we don't always get what we wish for, do we?

I look down at myself and sure enough I am all sweaty and probably stinky. God, why do people sweat after nightmares? I mean those dreams are bad enough but Nah, you've got to shower every day even in freezing temperatures. Sometimes I really wish I had some sort of temperature adjusting superpowers to help me at this time of the year.

After a quick shower I dress up and leave my room to go downstairs and into the kitchen to have some breakfast. I sighed disappointed that I won't have anyone sitting by my side talking about their plans for the day. But then again that's how things work in my family no one really has time for one another.

I heard my parents shouting at each other and throwing things around in pure frustration, the small smile that was present on my face quickly fades away. They have been fighting for as long as I can remember. I don't really understand why it still affects me, I should be used to it by now but unfortunately it still bothers me all the same.

"I don't even know why I deal with you two!" dad yelled probably by moving his hands around wildly like he always does.

"You just stole those words right out of my mouth and you're living with us because no one else can handle a person like you," mom replied. I know her well enough to guess she must have flicked her sleek blonde hair.

"People love me, alright."

"Yeah, sure the ones who are after your money," mom raised her voice.

"Stop talking to me and coming in front of me before I do something you'll regret," retorted dad.

I drop my food on my plate, they never thought what our child would think about this; we should stop. I shake my head and leave for school, cursing the people who thought that starting the school this early in the morning was a good idea. I mean seriously people? Do you not know how beautiful and sweet sleep actually is?

Cruel Connection [Book One In The Connection Series]Where stories live. Discover now