meeting the queen

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 I couldn't sleep the entire night, twisting, turning and thinking about today's events kept me wide awake. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply, wishing that I could just embrace my mom one more time. Wishing that horrible reality to be another one of my nightmares.

I left my bed and stand by the window to see the fire blazing widely as if it could consume us all within a second, but it didn't. I run my hands through my untamed blonde hair and look around like a lost person as I remember the night.

"It is time for you to meet your instructor," the Queen stated the minute she laid her eyes on me.

"Instructor?" I ask her turning around to see her clearly for the very first time.

She had a hawk like face with black neat hair tied in a loose bun, and a birthmark above her left eyebrow that looked like someone flicked a burning ember on her skin.

"Yes, the one who will teach you how to control and use your powers," she replied evenly. Powers, powers, powers, I didn't even ask for these stupid powers.

"Do these powers have a name?" I inquired.

I mean what powers do I own except for this blind rage which is rapidly growing inside of me begging me for sweet revenge.

"You will be tested to identify your abilities," she said almost immediately. "Now it's your turn to answer, how did you manage to fight my compulsion yesterday?"

I frown trying to remember what on earth is she talking about, then I remember her melodic voice and now that I think about it, it was kind of working at the beginning but then I somehow snapped out of it, I repeat what happened out loud.

"What were you trying to do by draining my power?" she questioned then.

"I didn't do it on purpose," I mumbled.

She stared at me as if trying to find the lie by analysing my expressions, good luck with that.

Then she decided to question me one more time, "Did anything weird happened last night?"

"Oh, I don't know how about the entire night?" I asked sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes, "Think about it then."

And that is exactly what I do, I think about yesterday's events and the twitching body of that murderer. Wait, that happened when I was feeling angry, very angry. So, I explain that incident to the Queen, the frown on her face screamed that this is oddly freaky even for her.

"I am afraid I have never heard someone electrocuting people with demonic powers, but I think your instructor would know the origins of such powers," she said.

This instructor guy seems ancient and knowledgeable; I hope he has the answers I seek.

The Queen took my hand again and started muttering in that strange language of her's, the world starts spinning or at least I hope it's the world that is spinning and not me, I closed my eyes for a while as if that would calm my urge to puke my guts out.

"Here we are," the Queen said grinning like a madwoman.

I would never understand her enthusiasm, it's like asking a child to have some ice cream before going to bed.

"What is this place?" I inquired in a low voice.

"Welcome to the angelic world, my dear, this is the place where you would find your instructor," she replied kindly.

Her kind nature freaks me out, I mean isn't she supposed to be an evil witch considering the fact that she rules the demons which are evil, I guess?

"Did you just transport me from hell to heaven?" I inquired raising my eyebrows.

She clutched her stomach and laughed at me not so softly, "No, my dear, this is not heaven and that was not hell. They are worlds for different beings just like Earth."

I nodded my head in realization, I knew that was way too cool to be called hell. My gut wrenches when I think about my parents so I try to distract myself by asking a question.

"Does he have a name or am I supposed to call him Mr. Instructor?" I question her sincerely confused.

She barked out a laugh and replies, "You can call him professor."

I nodded my head in response and observed the place that surrounded me. There were beautiful white houses and, in the middle, a huge white Victorian castle could be seen. The entire place was covered by white fog which gave this place an other worldly look, which I guess it is. Even in December the weather here is warm with a golden sun throwing its rays out of the sky. The fog was thick but I was able to see through it; somehow giving this place a mysterious edge.

"Hello, your majesty," a man greeted us appearing out of nowhere. I jumped at the sound of his voice and placed a hand on my marathon runner of a heart. "Hello, Maya," he nodded in my direction. How on earth does he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I question him immediately.

He removed his platinum blonde hair from his wrinkled face and gave me a small smile, "I have my ways."

Ok, like that's not creepy at all, not even a teeny tiny bit.

"I would like to ask her a few questions in private, I hope you don't mind, your majesty," he said.

Hello, people am I invisible? I mean don't you need my permission because I am the one who is supposed to answer those questions.

The Queen smiled, "No, of course not, your Highness."

Your Highness? How in the hell did I end up in the middle of these royals?

My new instructor turns towards me and motions for me to follow him, which is exactly what I do because hey, I don't wanna get lost in a weird foggy place with no clue where to go.

He leads me to a pretty stone-built house which allows me to have a good look at the castle, I follow him inside and into a cosy room where he stops abruptly. He turned the door knob which was shaped in the form of a wing.

"Have a seat Maya," he said casually blinking his bright blue eyes. I sat on a wooden chair and watch him sit right in front of me.

"I know you might have suffered a lot to acquire these powers but as you have been told, you are the chosen one, Maya," he said in a calm voice. "With power comes great responsibilities, and that is the first thing that I want you to understand," he explained looking me in the eye.

"Why did someone choose me in the first place?" I asked hotly, "I am not interested in this whole power thing. I didn't ask for it, certainly not after what it cost me," I said clearing my throat in an attempt to hide the crack in my voice.

He observed me for a while and I feel as if he could see right through my soul. That thought terrified me and I looked down afraid that he would somehow count the scars on my soul and examine the darkness in my heart. 


A/N:- Hello, what do you think of the story so far? Also, who is your favorite character in the Harry Potter series?

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