Source of powers

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"Tell me about yourself, Maya," Mr. Instructor said calmly.

"You do know that you sound like that annoying teacher who asks her students to introduce themselves on the first day at school, right?" I asked trying to avoid his question and failed miserably.

"Yes, I am aware of that," he replied looking amused.

"Well, I'm sixteen-years old," I said sending cryptic message from my eyes to his brain to shut up and stop asking me questions, as if that could make him forget about this let's get to know Maya session.

"You already know that the power you own was given to you at a very high cost, and I want you to tell me at what cost. Furthermore I want you to tell me from the beginning because there might be somethings that you would like to keep to yourself. But believe me I cannot understand your powers completely if you hide the price it cost you," he said looking me straight in the eye.

"I'm not good with words when it comes to expressing myself," I murmured looking down at my feet almost ashamed of myself.

"You don't have to be good at it, I will understand you no matter how you speak or even if you don't speak," he smiled politely.

I sighed deeply trying to collect my thoughts and control my emotions just when I felt him inside my mind, scrapping, digging into my memories and I let him.

I could feel him seeing the incidents through my eyes, feeling what I felt, he watched the death of my parents, their bodies lying on the floor all pale and lifeless.

He watched as my father left me and my mom to go to another woman to have his heir he never had to continue his lineage. He watched as my mother took it all upon herself and started working tirelessly leaving me alone at home; how my dad fought with my mother thinking that it was her fault he didn't have a son instead of me, a daughter. He watched what I went through, how bad my condition was, still is, and I let him.

I tried to keep the tears at bay never allowing even a single tear to drop, "I spent my entire childhood trying to make him proud but I was never able to do that. He avoided me like a plague, never speaking to me unless it was absolutely necessary. My mother always thought that she had to adjust according to his mood in an attempt to save her marriage. It's funny how people try to save something so desperately that they forget about the things they have, and she had me...she always had me. They were never home and there are monsters roaming the face of earth for the opportunity to destroy you to make you wish you were never born," I said clenching my teeth.

He watched as my father hit me for silly childish things and so did my mom when she was frustrated because of everything that was going on, and the funny thing is that I never blamed them. I kind of understood what they must have felt like but does understanding remove the weight of the pain? No, I don't think so.

He saw how I never had a real friend because everyone used me for one thing or another, he watched my anxiety and panic issues.

Mr. instructor nodded his head but there is something different about him he looked understanding not pitiful and for that I will be eternally grateful. "Thank you, for letting me in, Maya, I know this must have been hard for you," he said giving me a small smile.

I don't know why I let him in but I did, maybe because I have been holding this for so many years? It felt weird to let it out.

I nodded in return and look around awkwardly because I have absolutely no idea what I am supposed to say after narrating my entire life story in front of the man I barely know.

"Now, let's see what powers do you have," he said grinning widely.

Oh, well here goes nothing.

He asks me to follow him to the castle grounds, casually asking me if I had any dream after the first demonstration of my powers when I electrocuted that murderer yesterday. It all happened yesterday but it seems like a hundred-year-old memory. Watching the moment when all the sunshine beamed at me and then said goodbye, leaving me alone in the harsh snowfall without any trace of the warmth in my stupid life.

"I saw fire and white smoke which is a weird combination if you ask me, and then I saw a black and a white eye not just the iris but the entire freaking eye," I frown telling him everything I remember.

His eyes go wide but he quickly recovers by offering me a kind smile, "Do you know what that means, Ms. Adams?" He inquires politely.

I shrugged and try to guess the answer, "That I have a weird imagination?"

Mr. instructor shook his head giving me a small smile, "It means you have two sources of power, we already know that you can draw power from the Queen of demons that explains the fire and black eye, but now we need to find out about that other source which according to your dream is an angel symbolizing the white smoke and the white eye."

Wait what? I have two sources? Is that even a thing?

I don't know what am I supposed to say... umm, thanks? Nah, that would sound stupid so I decide to shut my mouth and follow him to the castle grounds.

Mr. instructor seems oddly calm which unsettles me a little, I mean I am the only human here and they are calm and relaxed as if a human visits their world every freaking day. I am not at all comfortable these people creep me out, but I restrain myself from voicing my thoughts because no matter who they are they do not have my trust.

He stops at a respectable distance from the Queen and greets her one more time, while I stare at the two of them to start explaining what the hell am, I supposed to do.

"I believe she has yet another source of power," he said in a steady voice, "An Angel." The Queen raises her eyebrows in surprise and glances my way before turning her eyes in the direction of Mr. instructor.

"How long has it been since the last time this happened?" she questions him.

"A thousand-years, your majesty," he replies immediately. I look at her and then I look at him and then I look at her and then I look at him, waiting for them to understand that I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, and that it is about time they start including me in discussions like these.

But of course, they won't take the hint.

They would make me speak those golden words, "Anyone ready to put me back in the loop? because you guys lost me." 

A/N:- Hey there thanks for reading my story, if you enjoyed it please vote and comment your opinions.

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