The Reunion

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Hi readers, I am really proud of this story and thoroughly enjoyed writing it.
I know you may find some plot hole and mistakes in the story. For example, the arrival to hogwarts doesn't really make logical sense with the timings and stuff, however, I cant go back now and change it as that wold change the whole first chapters of the book and I can't be bothered to change ALL that. So suck it up.

ANYWAY, I hope you enjoy


Harrys POV
I never thought I'd see him again, as we stand on the busy path of platform 9 and 3/4. His blonde hair tossled in front of his silver eyes.

His older more matured face staring back at me. He looked unjustifiably attractive, with scars perturbing out of his short sleeves and his neck which, although brought up bad memories of Dark Lords and one horrific bath room incident, just added to the appeal of Draco Malfoy.

He wore simple muggle cloths, jeans and a simple blue t-shirt which complimented his eyes. I almost forgot how he can look so casual and effortless but so hot at the same time. He had a navy duffel bag strapped to his back and a leather jacket slung over his arm.

We both, slowly, begin to walk towards each other until we both hear the whistle of the train and stopped. A sad timid smile passed between us, then I watched as he walked away towards the train.

I felt a twinge of disappointment as I lost sight of the man I loved.

Draco POV
Seeing him again brought unwanted memories back. Memories of the times we had together, the love that was born from those years together. I shook my head trying to not think of that.

Although, he looked like the same Harry as always, he had grown a little stubble which only made him more attractive. His muggle trench coat covering his white button up shirt and dress pants.

I didn't know how much I missed his scruffy raven hair and his green glowing eyes.
We looked at each other and I wanted to talk to him, as I made a step forward towards Harry the train whistled and as I looked back at Harry a sad smile crossed both are faces.

I turned towards the train trying to forget Potter but  knowing I never would.

A/N Hey, I know this first chapter was short but if you enjoyed please comment if you enjoyed.
Thank You 😊
(429 words)

Drarry Fanfic - CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon