I Still Do

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Harry's POV
He got on the train, a sense of de ja vu hit him.
It reminded him of his first year at Hogwarts, getting on the train, a whole world yet to be learned.

He knew he wouldn't be able to sit in the teachers compartment so he opted for a normal compartment, reminding him of when they saw Remus Lupin on the train in third year.

He really did miss Remus. He also missed Sirius. Nothing felt right without his Godfather and Remus.
They were everything to him, his chance to get to know his parents through them. But sadly, they were taken away from him before he could really get to know them, especially Sirius.

The longing to of had more time with Sirius was never ending. But when your Harry Potter , he thought, you just have to live with the fact that most of the people you love die.
When Harry arrived at Hogwarts, he headed for Head mistress Mcgonagalls office.  He got to the staircase to get to the office and opened it using the password he had gotten with the letter sent by Mcgonagall the previous week.

"Feather wings" He said, then the statue began to twist and turn into the stair case which used to lead to Dumbledores office.

He knocked on the door and heard the professor say "Come in".

As he entered he noticed that the office was mostly the same as when its was Dumbledores office.

He noticed a few changes like Fawkes perch was moved into a far away corner, ready in case he ever returned.

The room was filled with even more books than before.

Harrys eyes lingered at the portrait of Dumbledores asleep in his chair.

A smile appeared on Harry's face as he looked at the old headmaster. Then his eyes locked onto his old transfigurations professor.

They both smiled at each other understanding each others feelings as the looked at the portrait.

McGonagalls POV
"Harry, my dear," She stood up out of her chair and embraced harry tightly. She pulled back from harry and looked at the older boy. She remembered his Hogwarts years and his innocence before all the even worse things happened to the poor boy.

She saw memories in her mind of the boy growing and ageing with a darkness about him.
It was like over the years his hope and positive nature was drained out of him.

However, as she looked at Harry she could see the 11 year old boy she once taught.
It filled her heart with love that after all these years and after all the loss he had suffered he was able to get his spark back.

"It's so good to see you professor." Harry said as they both sit in their seats.

"You to Harry. I'm so glad you accepted the job offer,  I was nervous you would say no because of all the ting that happened here."

"I was also apprehensive as to accept the offer but I missed Hogwarts so much, despite everything that happened."

"We've had a decrease of people willing and qualified to teach at Hogwarts over the years and when you were suggested by Professor Longbottom for the Defence Against The Dark Arts position and idea popped in my head of searching for other old students of mine to teach. That's when I spoke to Mr Malfoy about the Potions Professor opening, he was reluctant to take the offer but after careful consideration he accepted, to my relief." Mcgonagall explained. When she mentioned Draco his head popped up then he sighed.

"That was actually one of the reasons I nearly said no."

"Mr Malfoy? I understand you had a rocked relationship during school and with the war." She questioned.

Harry was reluctant to explain further but went one anyway, "Draco and I were actually together a few years ago."
Professor Mcgonagall Tilted her head as to question what Harry meant.


Oh, she nodded her head to show her understanding. "If you don't mind me asking, you said we're together. What happened?"
Harry clearly was in his head thinking deeply about his answer. After he let out a deep breath he replied.

"A while after Hogwarts we reconnected and spent a few years together. then he left for America and never looked back." The look on his face was the same when he was younger and he was grieving for all he had lost.

The youthful happy aroma he had as he walked into the room was gone. He must of really care for Malfoy for just talking about him could evoke such a sad mood in Harry.

"I'm so sorry Harry. You seemed to of cared for him deeply."

"I still do"

That hit her deep in her heart. Seeing Harry like this brought out her paternal instincts in her. She stood and hugged Harry tightly.

"Well, I hope this year goes well for you Harry. Good luck."

"You too Professor."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

(837 words)

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