The Great Hall

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Harrys POV
After the descusion with Mcgonagall, Harry headed towards the great hall to sit ready for the feast to begin.

He entered noticing that most of the student were sat down apart, from all the first years that would be sorted in a short while.

He looked over to the staff table where he spotted all the teachers sitting down, some chatting, some watching over the students.

Some of the teachers weren't on the train because some used the flu network or some stay at hogwarts.

Hagrid, of course, lives at Hogwarts just like Professor Trelawney.

Also Professor Binns, because he a ghost. (Duh)

Draco, Harry, Professor Muchham and Neville Longbottom all used the Hogwarts Express.

Professor La Rouge, who teaches Flying and Muggle studies, flued from her home in France.

And finally, Professors Flitwick, Vector and Babbling all apperated into Hogsmead.

Draco sat down on the end next to Professor La Rouge. She was a short brunette women in her late twenties with long purple robes.

Draco thought she was fairly attractive but completely forgot the thought when a certain raven haired professor walked in from one of the side doors leading to the Professors table.

Harry sat down next to Hagrid and greeted the larger man with a massive hug. He really missed Hagrid over the years.

He didn't visit Hagrid much but they sent each other letters every so often updating each other on their lives.

"How are you Hagrid and hows whitherwings?" He asked with a knowing smile across his face.

Hagrid's large collection of magical creatures has grown over the years. One of his new pets is a 'new' hippogriff called Witherwings, previously known as Buckbeak.

However, as we all know, after Buckbeak injured a certain Malfoy in their third year he was put to death.
(A/N Is it only me or was that a bit harsh?)

However, after a plan to save him from his fate, they sent him of to hide with Sirius after he escaped from Azkaban.

Two 'men' on the run.

After talking with Hagrid and with some of the other Professors, Harry looked over to spot Draco talking with some of the other teachers.

By the time all this had happened Head Mistress Mcgonagall had entered taking her rightful place in Dumbledores old chair.

He thought she suited her place nicely. He always new he would make a Great Head one day.

Looking away from draco, he focused on Minerva standing up getting the rooms full attention.

"Now students, the new first years will be arriving shortly so please be silent."

She sat down and, not long after, the door to the great hall opened.

Students filled the long row between the long house tables with Neville Longbottom leading them down the hall and then sitting down next to Harry.

They greated each other then quickly put their attention back to the Head mistress.

After the sorting hat ceremony was complete she made the annual speech about how the Forbidden Forest is forbidden (hence the name) and other school rules etc.

After she dismissed everyone by letting each year go one by one.

Harry and the other Heads of Houses were told to go meet their students at their common rooms.

Harry headed for the Gryffindor common rooms while Draco went the complete opposite direction towards the dungeons.

Both nervous for their next encounter.

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter :)
(Wrote a list of all the teacher if you wanted to know)

DADA - Harry Potter (New Head of Gryffindor)
Potions - Draco Malfoy (New head of Slytherin)
Herbology - Neville Longbottom (Head of Hufflepuff)
Ancient runes - Professor Bathsheba Babbling (Head of Ravenclaw)
Care of Magical creatures - Rubeus Hagrid
Transfiguration - Professor Muchham
History of Magic - Professor Binns
Flying lessons/ Muggle Studdies - Madame le Rouge
Divination - Professor Trelawney
Charms - Professor Flitwick
Arithmancy - Professor Vector

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