Memories at the Weaslys

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Draco's POV
As Draco put away all his belongings in his new room at Hogwarts, a knock came from the oak wood door that hung a painting of snake in a apple tree.

The snake slithered into one of the paintings in his room.

"Sir, there's a student here to give you something. Shall I open the door for you?" The snake hissed.

"Yes, just give me a moment." Draco put down the cloths he had folded in his hands and walked towards the door.

The door opened to reveal a young student with folders and parchment in her hands. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Head mistress Mcgonagall, sent for me to give you these. She said they were the lesson curriculum for this year and information about your new duty's as the Head of Slytherin. Also, there's a note from her. Will that be all or would you like me to wait for a response, Professor?"

She looked so young, with her dirty blonde pig tails and her bright pink hair bands. She seemed extremely proud of her delivery and Draco couldn't help but smile at her.

"No, that will be all. What's your name?"  Draco asked as the girl passed him the parchment and folder.

"It's Lily, professor." Draco nodded at her and waved her goodbye.

She skipped of joyfully as she went back to the her dorm.

Although the girl wore Gryffindor robes he couldn't help like the girl. She seemed so happy and full of life.

He went back into his room, placed down the folder of parchment, then proceeded to read the letter from Head Mistress Mcgonagall.

Dear Mr Malfoy,

I welcome you to your new teaching position at Hogwarts. I hope your living arrangements are up to your standards and to your satisfaction.

As you know, school officially begins tomorrow as will your lessons. I have given you your lesson timetable and all you will need to know about your lessons in the folder I sent you.

I expect fair and exemplary teaching and lesson planning. As I tell every head of the houses, I expect fair and equal punishments and rewards for all the houses, even of your own.

I hope this year you will have an enjoyable experience.

Yours sincerely,

Head Mistress Mcgonagall

Draco folded the parchment, placing it back in the envelope, while thinking about what Mcgonagall had said.

His rooms where definitely up to Malfoy's standards with its king sized bed, walk in wardrobe and on suite.

Also its large open plan lounge, containing a beautiful brick fireplace, leading to a moderately sized kitchen with wooden cupboards and marble surfaces.

He loved it.

It was almost like it was built by him.

Draco loved the sleek look about it but the wooden accents and the brick fire place bring out a homey sense which he loved.

Malfoy Manor, his childhood home, was cold and dreary.

He liked the design of the manor but wished it could of had a bit more warmth.

He remembers the Weasley's new home, much like their old home 'The Burrow', it was cozy and, although small, it brought everyone closer together.

The thought of the Weasley home made him think of all the time him and Harry went to stay there.

Himself, Harry and the Weasley's playing quidditch in the large garden.

Harry and him snuggling on he sofa at Christmas at the Weasley's, both finally happy after the war.

Him and Harry at Ron and Hermione's wedding. Holding each other close as they slow dance to the soft calm music, wishing it could never end.

So many happy memories that he wished he didn't remember.

That would make it easier, wouldn't it?

Comment if you enjoyed!
(Words 696)

A/N Not sure if you've noticed but this story is not planned.

I have a few ideas but every chapter is whatever I make up in the moment.

Probably not the best idea :0

I might accidentally make a few plot holes so if you see any please comment.

Or if you have any ideas for the plot.

Would love to hear them.

Thank you :)

Also, not my fan art.

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