The Past

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Draco POV
It had been a week since the start of school and Draco had finally gotten into the flow of teaching and being head of Slytherin.

He had been wanting to talk to Harry but every time he saw him Harry had turned around and walked in the other direction.

He hoped Harry would talk to him soon.

Draco understood why Harry didn't want to talk to him.

He basically abandoned Harry.


Draco was scurrying around Harrys apartment (which Draco's stuff had slowly moved here) gathering his stuff up as quick as possible.

He he heard the door open and Harry call his name.

Harry had walked into the bed room with a confused look.

"Draco, what's going on. Has something happened."

He reached out to make draco stop what he was doing.

Staring into Harry's eyes made him freeze for a second and reconsider what he was about to do.

However, everything that's happened flowed into Draco's mind.

The abuse from everyone he meets, about him being a Malfoy and about how Harry could be with someone like Draco.

People always questioned Harry for being with him and it made Draco doubt their relationship.

He new Harry loved him, but it wasn't enough. It was to painful to stay there anymore.

Draco looked away from harry and continued packing his bags.

"I cant do this anymore."

Harrys became fearful of what draco meant. He knew Draco's life was hard because of what happened, but he though it was getting better.

"Do what?" Harry questioned, there was a noticeable quiver in his voice.

"Everything. I cant stay here anymore. I got a job offer in America and I took it.

I can live in a place where no one knows me and where is can be myself.

Not the Death eater who's supposedly put the boy how lived under a love potion.

I just cant handle it anymore."

"I'll come with you."

This stopped Draco. He looked at Harry who seemed to actually be considering this.

"This is your home Harry. I wont be the reason you have to give that up." Draco had gotten all his stuff and began walking out the bedroom.

"You are my home Draco."


"Draco can we just think about this. Draco, I love you please don't leave me."

Draco had one hand on the door.

He turned around and looked at the steam streaked face of Harry Potter.

"Your better of without me."

His hand pushed down the door handle and walked out of the apartment.


Draco remembered how much he hurt Harry when he left.

Harry had been getting so much abuse from being with an Ex Death-eater.


One evening, Harry was going through the post and draco was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

Draco watched as Harrys face drew cold. He looked ready to bawl his eyes out but also ready to punch a wall.

Worry attacked draco unexpectedly as he watched harry in pain.

Not saying much, Harry walked into the living room, threw the letter into the fireplace and lit the logs ablaze.

Then walked into their bedroom got changed and went straight to bed.

Draco quickly ran to the fireplace and magically retrieved the letter.

He started reading.
To Mr Potter

You disgust me.

We though you were the wizarding worlds saviour but your just a disgusting gay man who's in a relationship with a traitorous death eater.

You should of killed him, but instead you sleep with him.

Your a disgrace to us all.

From, everyone's thoughts

The letter hit draco really hard. He wanted to crawl into a ball and cry his eyes out. But he knew he had to be strong for Harry.

Draco put the letter back into the fire and crawled into bed with a weeping Harry.

This was when draco first considered leaving Harry. The first time he saw how much their relationship was hurting the man he loved.

I was going to put swearing into the hate letter but decided against it. I found it difficult to write such harsh words about Harry and Draco.

Anyway, thanks for reading and comment if you enjoyed
(702 Words)

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