Ask And You Shall Receive

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    ★kai no yokan
[The extraordinary sense upon first meeting someone that you will one day fall in love] (Japanese)

ka-ee no yo-kan★                

Renee's pov

Its been two weeks.
Two freaking weeks since I've last seen Elijah or my mother, it's like I'm living by myself. Which is awesome don't get me wrong, I'm just getting tired of seeing the same things and watching the same shows every day.

And I miss Mia and pip.

Our everyday Skype calls aren't nearly enough. I think as I'm laying upside down on the sofa watching rerun episodes of Golden girls. My hair is a mess with curls sticking out all over the place and I'm wearing black leggings and an oversized T-shirt.

I have bags underneath my eyes from waking up in the middle of the night and fighting my imaginary sleep paralysis demons. My nightmares are back and there better than ever and overall I'm just not doing good.

And to top it all off, the memory of Elijah slamming me against the wall is still fresh in my mind. And it keeps replaying. Over and over.

I groan out loud when I remember him yelling at me to go to my room and I ran with my freaking tail behind my legs like a scared puppy.

I hear someone working on the locks outside and Elijah walks in.

Think of the devil and he shall appear.

I change my position on the couch and reach for a sofa pillow, hugging it to my chest as I focus my attention on the television.

He walks into the kitchen and takes out a plate of food that was prepared by one of his house keepers who told me her name was Angie.
She's a nice lady, maybe in her late fifties with long, shiny brunette hair.

She didn't ignore me like the other house keepers and I'm thankful for that. The others look at me like I kicked their sick puppy.

Elijah joins me on the sofa and I immediately hold my breath and chew on my lips while looking at the TV.

Come on Renée, put your big girl panties on.

I think. Working up some courage as I turn to face him, he ignores me and I clear my throat loudly to gain his attention.

He slowly turns his head to look at me and all my courage disappears faster than pizza in a fat kids hands.

"Never mind," I whisper turning my head back to the television and swallowing down my failure which leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Tell me," he orders in his deep voice and I shake my head. "Fucking tell me Renée"

"Do you always have to swear? You're like an itchy sweater," I say quickly getting irritated.
"Yes I do always have to swear, because you don't answer my fucking questions when I tell you to. And did you just call me an itchy sweater?"

He asks and I roll my eyes. "Yes I did. You have a lot in common with an itchy sweater. You're both annoying," I say and he sucks his teeth.

"And you're like spam emails. Frustrating," he says and my mouth drops open at the insult. "And you're like wet socks. Disgusting to the touch," I reply grinning triumphantly. I've clearly won this insult battle.

He smiles and his eyes slowly travel down my body and back up again. I bite the side of my thumb, watching as his tongue darts out and wets his lips. "And you're like dessert. I just want to eat you up," he whispers and my heart beat speeds up, my insides start doing gymnastics and my ' brain te'lls me good bye as she packs her bags and leaves my central control.

"And you're"

"What was your questions?" He asks, cutting off what was sure to be a brilliant come back. I glare at him before answering.

"I want to go see Mia and pip today," I ask and mentally cringe. When it was just me and my mom I never had to ask permission for anything. Mostly because she was never home but still. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

"Her baby brother Philip. He's five," I clarify and he looks at me intently and I bite my lip, trying not to squirm in my seat.

Finally he nods his head and takes out his phone, typing for a while and then putting it back into the pocket of his, very tight and toned-

"Be ready by ten," he says and I blush at the direction my thoughts had gone.
"Thank you," I say genuinely, offering him a small smile but he doesn't look at me to see it.

I continue to watch the movie and I laugh a little when Sophia smashes Dorothy's watch, but then the television is turned off and I turn towards Elijah who has the remote in his hands.

"Why'd you take it off?" I ask and he looks at me with a frown forming between his eyebrows.
"You have bags underneath your eyes," he says stating the obvious.

I roll eyes and give him an incredulous look.
"Yeah no shit Sherlock," I say sarcastically.
"Are you not sleeping well? Is there something wrong with the bed?"
I shake my head and bite my lips. "There's nothing wrong with the bed," I answer and he raises his eyebrow, waiting for me to elaborate.

"You going to tell me why you're not sleeping or not?" He growls, growing frustrated.
"I don't know, its really none of your business," I reply and he clenches his jaw.

"Do I really need to threaten everyone you love for you to answer me? Because honestly Renee," he sneers, tilting my jaw up so that I'm looking into his blue eyes."I'm not opposed to the idea," he says huskily as he hungrily stares at my lips.

My panties become useless and I clear my throat before speaking. "It's not the bed. I just.... well I have nightmares and they keep me up sometimes," I say nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders. He nods his head and runs his thumb finger across my lips. "Tempting," he mutters almost to himself before looking back into my eyes.

"It's still early. Why don't you go take a nap until it's time for you to leave," he says and I shake my head, playing with a loose thread on my t-shirt. Elijah grabs my wrist roughly, forcing me to look in his eyes.

"It wasn't a question tesoro," he says slowly with a
threatening tone to his voice. I swallow my saliva and nod my head my fear once again controlling my actions.
(Translation: Darling)

I pull my wrist gently out of his hands and look down at the already forming bruises. He notices the marks he left and clenches his jaw.

I slowly stand up and walk over to my room, feeling his stare burning a hole into my back the entire way. I ungracefully throw myself on my bed and close my eyes, willing sleep to come but of course it doesn't. My body is humming with an unfamiliar sensation and I groan as I turn on my back and stare up at the ceiling.

I eventually give up, taking out the book I'm currently reading called 'Walking Naked, and I read to past the time.

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