The Issue Of Age Part One

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Elijah's Pov

"Hey Ty," Renée says smiling as we enter the kitchen.
"Ciao shawty. I thought you were asleep," he says smiling and pulling out a chair for her to sit.

I can't help but feel a little jealous at their easy exchange.

"What you wanna eat?" I ask Renée and she shrugs her shoulders.
"I don't know, eggs?"
"How about a grilled cheese sandwich?" I ask already taking out the cheese from the fridge.

"Sounds good," she says redoing her ponytail which makes her shirt ride up, exposing a part of her stomach. I stare at her brown skin for awhile before Nick clears his throat. I snap my eyes over to his smirking face and he mouths the word 'pussy whipped'

"Culo," I mutter and he laughs

"Where are we?" Renée asks resting her head on the counter and watching me as I make the sandwiches.

"A good way from the city that's for sure," Nick says to her and I roll my eyes.

"Can I swim in the lake?" She asks with a hopeful look on her face and Nick starts laughing
"What's so funny?" She questions folding her arms and glaring at him.

"Well you see gattina, we sometimes use that lake to-"
"....Nick," I say glaring at him, he stops speaking and looks down at his phone guiltily.
"Not now baby, maybe when the sun comes up," I say to Renée and she ignores me turning to Nick.

"You sometimes use the lake for what?" She asks him and I shoot him another glare. He doesn't answer her and she stops her feet and sticks her tongue out.

"Fine," she grumbles pouting her lips and looking apsolutely adorable.

"Eat," I order, motioning to the sandwich I place in front of her. "What time do we have to go k- I mean meet Francisco?"

Nick asks, looking at Renée tentatively but she doesn't seem to notice his slip up.

"In the morning," I say, washing my hands in the sink.
"Okay well I'm gonna go catch some z's. See you guys in the morning,"
He stands up and for a hot minute it looks like he wants to give Renée a hug but my death glare shut that down real quick.

"Night shawty," he says instead and Renée nods her head and smiles at him.
"Night Ty"

"This is really good," she says to me after Nick leaves.
"Mhm," she mumbles with a smile on her face. Halfway through her sandwich her smile drops and her eyebrows push together as she starts chewing on her lips.

"What's wrong Mia Vita?" I ask feeling instantly worried but she shakes her head and looks down at the sandwich in her hands.

"Rispondetemi Renée," I push, sitting down and reaching over to cup her face in my hands.
(Translation: Answer me Renée)

"Doesn't matter you're just gonna be angry at me and then I'll be angry at you for being angry at me and then we'll just be angry at each other," she says and I feel my heart ache a little.

"I won't be angry at you. Now tell me what's wrong," I say in the most reassuring voice I can muster. She takes a deep breath but doesn't look up from the now discarded sandwich.

"You kill people and you're gonna kill him aren't you? The person Ty was talking about. The person responsible for your irregular supplies, You're gonna kill him,"  she states and my eyebrows raise.

I'm going to shoot Nick in the fücking head.

I hesitate a second before answering, truly not knowing what to say.
"You heard Nick's slip up," I mutter and she nods her head slowly.
"Yes and I know it's not my place to tell you what to do but-"

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