¤Listen To Your Heart¤

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Amber's pov

I walk in to music room where Kaitlin is waiting for me. I put my bag down. 

K:You are late!

She screams to me. I jump up little bit. 

A:I'm sorry. I was giving tour to our visitors and I showed them the class room where their class is. 

K:That's not an excuse! You are idiot! And ugly.

Tears rise up in my eyes. 

A:Thank you. 

I grab my bag and walk out of the class room. I let the tears to fall down. I walk up to office and wipe my tears. 

H:Oh Miss Mendes. What can I do for you?

I take deep breathe. 

A:I'm not feeling well. Can I go to home?

H:Of course. 

A:Can I stop the rising numbers?

H:It's com...

K:I can't believe that you brat run here and told about how I called you idiot and ugly.

Harry is shocked. Then his face turns angry.

H:You are fired! Amber only told me that she wants to go home. 

K:I didn't mean.

H:No excuses!

K:Fuck you!

Then she pushes me down. I get up.

H:Are you okay?

I nod as yes.

H:You can go back to home. I hope we get Jenna back. She's our old teacher. Same job as Kaitlin. 

I nod and walk out of the office. I hear my phone buzzing. I sigh and pull it out. Kevin texted to me. 

Kevin:Hey. Joe asked if you could stay with me week. I said yes. Duh. I picked up some of your stuff. When your school ends? I will pick you up.

A:It ended already. I will go quickly to Taco Bell. Pick me up there in 50 mins?

Kevin:Okay. See ya.

I let it be. I walk out of the school and go in to Taco Bell. I order the hottest burrito here and Dr Pepper bottle. I wait my food to be ready. I put earbuds on. I listen Sia. Angel By The Wings. I love this song. Then my music turns off because someone's calling to me. Harry.

A:Amber Mendes?

H:Hey it's Harry. Jenna will start to work here in 2 days. You have tomorrow free day. 

A:Oh. Okay.

H:I promise that she is nice. I promise. Bye.

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