Chapter 16: Shakespeare Code

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"Yes, Mr. Smith, I will." Martha grinned, linking her arm with his.

"When you get home, you can tell everyone you've seen Shakespeare."

"Then I could get sectioned!" Martha exclaimed.

"New?" I whispered to the Doctor, my lips brushing his ear as I stood on my toes. He visibly shivered at my gentle touch, my chuckle then coming out loudly. Martha looked sideways at me, slightly glaring.

Ah, she likes the Doctor. I thought, sympathizing for her. He wouldn't spare her a second glance.

"One trip. I said one trip." The Doctor murmured.


He gulped, his eyes seeming to water at the mention of her name. I stared, a cold fear gripping my gut.

"Doctor-" I began, worry evident in my voice.

"Ah look! Here we are, the Globe Theatre!" He cut me off, unlocking his arm with Martha to point.

"Allons-y!" I smiled sadly, pulling him towards the grand doors.

"That's my line!"

"Oh! You're 10!" I laughed, entering the building, the large room crowded with multiple people.


"Yeps." I smirk, staring at the stage in front of us, the actor's loud and dramatic.

"That's amazing! Just amazing. It's worth putting up with the smell. And those are men dressed as women, yeah." Martha cheered once the play had ended.

"London never changes."

"Where's Shakespeare? I wanna see Shakespeare." Martha began, very enthusiastically.

"Author! Author!" She chanted, pumping her fist in the air, pausing after a few moments.

"Do people shout that? Do they shout 'Author'?" The chant continued, bouncing off each person as they heard it, the room growing louder and hotter as warm breath mixed in the air.

"Ew." I mumbled under my breath, shrugging off my jacket .

"Well-they do now." The Doctor glanced at my bare shoulders, the shirt, I had now realized, a tank-top. Shakespeare waltzed onto the stage, blowing kisses and bowing dramatically, overlooking the entire crowd, their cheering growing louder.

His hair was shaggy, a beard growing on his face, he didn't have one of those white collars, but more normal clothes for this time.

"He's a bit different from his portraits." Martha mumbled, slightly annoyed.

"Genius. He's a genius, the genius. The most human human that's ever been. Now we're gonna hear him speak. Always, he chooses the best words. New, beautiful, brilliant words."  The Doctor praised, his brown eyes sparkling.

"Shut your big fat mouths!" Shakespeare laughed heartily. The audience whooped loudly, fists pumping in the air.

"Oh, well." I sighed, rubbing the Doctor's back soothingly.

"You should never meet your heroes." Martha added, glaring at me once again.

"You have excellent taste! I'll give you that. Oh, that's a wig!" Shakespeare continued, pointing to a man in the audience, his large wig falling off his plump head that was glistening with sweat.

"I know what you're all saying. 'Loves Labour's Lost', that's a funny ending, isn't it? It just stops! Will the boys get the girls? Well, don't get your hose in a tangle, you'll find out soon. Yeah, yeah. All in good time. You don't rush a genius." Shakespeare smirked, bowing deeply, suddenly bolting upright.

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