Note to those who are struggling

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this story. I just want to say, if you're struggling, please don't give up. You are important and you matter. Time heals all wounds. I know it's cliché, but believe me, I'd know. I've had my struggles and I once believed that it would never get better, but I will say this: it did get better. Even if it seems dark right now, remember that there is always a light at the end of a tunnel. Remember that if there is time to hurt, then there will be time to heal.

Being someone who has lost a friend to suicide, I can assure you that your life does matter. Losing someone to suicide is a feeling that always sticks to you, especially if you could have prevented it from happening. So believe me when I say that people will miss you. Some will even blame themselves. And if you think people will move on, let me tell you that no matter how much time has passed, I still think about my friend everyday wishing I could have done something.

No matter what you believe of yourself, always remember that there is only one you in the entire world. Everyone is unique in their own ways, and everyone's existence has an impact on others. People care, and there are numerous people who need you, whether you believe it or not.

And to any boys reading this, never be ashamed if you're struggling as well. You are allowed to cry. You are allowed to show sadness and emotions. You are not an emotionless robot. You are human, and as humans we feel emotions. Everyone has a story and their own struggles. It doesn't matter how old or what gender.

So to everyone reading this, please stay strong. With time, everything will be okay. If you're in a dark place right now, hang in there. Just know that I'm proud of you for making it this far :)

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