Awake All Night

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I've never really enjoyed sleeping with my blankets on. I just don't like how it feels, the way it touches and sits on my skin.

And unfortunately, I can't sleep while standing up, so...  I just laid on top of my blankets, that's about as comfortable as I can get.

But I still can't sleep.

So I pick up my cell phone and decide to text my friend.

MeHi. Mer, you awake? I can't sleep. Your stupid play has got me stressed, and my room smells like lemons. hate lemons.

I wait patiently. There's a good chance she won't answer, it's well past midnight. Almost 2AM, actually.

But I hear my ringtone, the chorus of Best Day Of My Life, by American Authors.

Merlynn: Well you know what they say... When life gives you lemons, drink vodka.

Me: Um... No one says that.

Merlynn: You shouldn't listen to what people say.

Me: Now you're just confusing me.

Merlynn: Grow pair. And what are you doing tomorrow?

Me: Delivering mail, studying, writing, eating, sleeping

Merlynn: Sounds exciting. But you know what's more exciting? Going on an adventure with me.

Me: An adventure?

Merlynn: Meet me at the front gate, 4 o'clock. Don't be late. Goodnight <3

I have no experience with... Adventures. I don't think she's planning on taking me on an epic quest, to slay a dragon--but you can never be too sure with Merlynn.

I still couldn't fall asleep. There's a thousand thoughts racing through my mind.

Sometimes I wish my mind would just shut up for a few hours, so I could sleep.

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