We're Friends Now

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Delivering mail definitely isn't my dream job, but it's a job nonetheless. After cleaning off the handle bar, and organizing the mail in a way that wouldn't stress me out—I could finally begin my trip to each dorm building on my list of stops.

I don't open any letters or packages, that's illegal. But I do like to read the names on them. Who they're from, who they're for, I like seeing that. I probably know about 300 hundred different names now. Some that are completely ridiculous; like Yamatason or Fredickle.

Those can't be real names.

Pushing the cart down the hallways gives me time to think. I was excited for later today, when Merlynn would sweep me off my feet and take me on an adventure.

Dammit, I sound like a girl.

Let me rephrase that.

Merlynn and I will be going out later today, and some form of activity has been planned out for me.

That's better.

"Hey! You're Henry, right?" I look up, and see the small blonde that had auditioned for Roland's play yesterday.

"It's actually Hyrum," I correct her sheepishly, "But you can call me whatever you want."

Dude, your idea of flirting is so beyond wrong... I can't believe I just said that.

"Ha, okay then," The girl tilts her head and laughs, "I'm Ali, nice to meet you Hyrum."

Don't stare, keeps your eyes up, up, Hyrum. Focus on her dark gray eyes, please don't say or think anything inappropriate.

But man was she beautiful. Like, beautiful. Where Merlynn is pretty in a tomboy-ish way; Ali was a small, sexy and if it's not weird for me to say it, close to perfect.

"Hyrum? You still with me?" Ali waves one of her small pale hands in front of my face.

Did it again.

"Sorry, sometimes I forget to... Talk." I reply dumbly.

"That's alright, it happens to the best of us. Where are you heading?"

I point to the mail stops at the very end of the hallway.

"That's quite the journey," the girl jokes, "Mind if I join you?"

I shrug and continue walking, and she stayed by my side—her head not even reaching my shoulder.

"You did really well in the audition." Ali smiles and rocks back and forth on her heels.

"Oh, um, thank you." I was a bit surprised, but I try to calmly slip pieces of mail into the metal boxes.

Even I knew that my audition went as badly as the golf tryouts.

"Are you dating that girl, Merlynn?"

Well, that was a odd question.

"It's just, you guys had a lot of chemistry on stage." Ali continues, waiting for me to react.

"Why do you ask?" Was all I manage to get out.

"Oh, I was just wondering. That's all..."

There was an awkward silence that hung between us, So I just gaze ahead and continue my delivery.

I find it strange to have Ali following me around, no one but Merlynn has taken any interest in me.

I didn't ask her why, and I didn't bother asking if she should be in class right now, classes on Sunday are very rare.

Stealing glances of her every minute or so, I decide that she probably wasn't very self conscious of herself.

She dresses simply, a bright pink T-short and a pair of jean shorts, the really really short kind.

Her blonde hair didn't go past her chin, and she was wearing a dark blue beanie; I think it suited her.

Her smile was a bit crooked, not in a creepy way—she just has a odd jaw and a high set of cheek bones.

"Roland told me that all the actors and actresses in the show should be friends," Ali speaks up, "He said it'll help us be more comfortable on stage. So you and me? We're friends now."

This made me laugh, not because I was amused, mostly out of shock and not knowing what else to do...

"We don't know if I got the part, Ali"  I point out.

"I have faith in you, buddy."

Well that's a first. Not the faith thing, no one calls me buddy. It sounds a bit childish. Or sarcastic...

Before I could reply, we both turn the corner, and I run the cart into the gut of Wes Hamilton.

"Wes!" Ali and I both exclaim in unison.

"I'm alright, I'm okay," Wes wheezes, clutching his stomach with both hands, "Payback for not putting you on the team, eh?"

"What? No! No, I'm sor--"

"I'm just messing with you, Henry!"


"Whatever. How you doing, Ali?"

Wes leans up against the stone wall and flashes Ali with a charming smile, and I immediately get that third-wheel feeling.

"Hyrum and I were just getting to know each other!" Ali grins widely and loops her arm around mind.

I instantly stiffen. It's a good thing I'm wearing a thick sweater, or our skin could have actually been touching.

Wes gives me a poisonous glare, and I started to really miss the safety of my dorm room.

"Well," Wes clears his throat loudly, "I was just about to head down for some food, care to join me?"

"Yeah, definitely!" Ali let's go of me and grabs Wes, "You in, Hyrum?"

I shake my head. "I have... I'm, uh, busy."

"Suit yourself..." Ali winks and drags Wes away, towards the descending stairs.

"Goodbye, Henry!" Wes shouts over his shoulder.

"It's Hyrum..." I grumble quietly. Why is it so hard to remember? They don't sound anything alike.

Who cares. My friend can say it right.

Only a few more hours. A few hours of torture, time only flies when you don't want or expect it to.

But I can be patient. I feel like it'll be worth it.


See that AWESOME picture to the side!

I'm dedicating this chapter to @veridical a super awesome graphic maker! Go to her thread NOW AND GET ONE! She also makes Comic Strips!

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