Ferris Bueller's Day Off

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"PASS THE BLOODY POPCORN, YOU BLUBBERING BABOON!" Tatum yelled for the twelfth time in his angry British accent.

"Goodness! Who pissed in your cheerios!?" Roland replied for the twelfth time, and took another handful out of the popcorn bowl.

I groan loudly, not only were these two constantly bickering, they were also now throwing things—and they both have terrible aim.

"OW." I cry out when a pillow hit me in the eye.

"Ha! You suck, Tatum." Roland smirks.

"That's not what your Mom said last night..." Tatum mumbles with his own smirk.

"What was that, you son of a--"

"I found it!" Merlynn popped out of her room, waving a DVD in her hand.

"Finally." Ali and I say in unison.

"What are we watching?" Tatum asks, scratching his red mop of hair like his life depended on it.

"Only the best movie ever created, now get comfortable freckle face." Merlynn kneels down in front of her small TV and sticks her DVD into the blu-ray player.

I sit on the couch, and Ali cuddles up to me.

I was about to invite Merlynn to sit on my other side, but there was a knock at the door and she jumps to her feet and rushes over.

I craned my neck so I could see who she was letting in. I could hear her laughing, and I saw her hugging a tall figure.

"Wes?" My jaw drops, what the heck was he doing here?

"Henry! My main man, how ya doin' pal?" Wes strolls in with a wide grin on his face, and his arm around my best friend.

"I'm fine," I reply through gritted teeth, "I wasn't aware you and Merlynn were friends."

"Yeah," He sighs and sits next to Merlynn on the floor, "We have a creative writing class together!"

Faking a smile, I wrap my own arm around Ali, much to her surprise and Merlynn's. Crappy move, but I wasn't in the movie night mood anymore. Merlynn offered me an apologetic smile, but why? She didn't need to say sorry. There was nothing going on between us, we're just friends. But Wes annoys the crap out of me.

We manage to watch the movie in peace. I can't say I paid much attention to Ferris, because Ali and I were having a nice chat the entire time. Whispering jokes, and making snide comments about people or things under our breath.

I never made much of an effort to get to know the small blonde, but what I found out made me smile. She was quite a bit older than me, 22 actually. And she wants to be a Biologist, that's what she's here for.

"So you're OCD?" She asked after I reluctantly admitted I had a medical condition.

"Yeah, but it's really not as bad as it sounds," I reassure her, so she wouldn't be freaked out, "I'm pretty normal, I swear."

"Minus the ramen and washing obsession?"

"Yes," I smile slightly, "Minus the ramen and washing obsession."

"Can it be cured?"

"I—I'm not totally sure... Probably, with help."

Ali gave me this, then why don't you? look. My parents did make me go to a therapist while I was in High School, but I was too embarrassed and childish to listen to anything the Doctor had to say.

But I could try again, right? If I can make it go away... then shouldn't I?

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