The Cast List

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"You got the part!"

Merlynn was dragging me to the performance hallway, where the cast list was hung up on the wall. But before we could make it all the way, the director, Roland Faraday cut in.

"You heard me!" Roland shooed Merlynn away, "You got the part as East! East the repairman."

"You didn't have to come all this way to tell me," I pat his shoulder, "I could have looked at the list."

"I know, but I didn't want you to get the wrong idea!"

I raise an eyebrow, confusion spreading across my face.

"I only have you the part because you were the only guy to audition for it," Roland explains sympathetically, "But you're a terrible actor."


"But fear not!" Roland perks up, "I'll mold you into the next Hugh Jackman. A future Donald O'Conner! And you kind of look like Logan Lerman, or some heart throb that girls and guys will love!"


"No thank you, Hyrum Aniston, I have high hopes for you and this show! You and Merlynn acted just perfectly together, it felt real."

Well it wasn't. Though I wish it was, I think that'd be nice...

"Rehearsals start in two days, six PM, don't be late." Roland says firmly, but then gives me a bear hug, which involved lifting me off the ground and squeezing me tightly.

"Welcome to the drama family, sweater boy!"

"This is really weird. And I hate being touched." I wheeze, pushing away from him.

He smiles apologetically and shakes my hand, which honestly wasn't any better, but this guy was a touchy one. He let me know he was coming to Merlynn's movie night tonight, and Ali and her counterpart in the play—Tatum Sutton.

 I watched Merlynn from a distance, talking to other cast members—her friends. I didn't fit into that. I've tried and failed.

There's still time for me to make it my Health class.

So I stuff my hands into the pockets of my sweatpants, and walk away.

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