Fake Dates And Past Mistakes.

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"Movie, check. Drinks, check. Breath, ch—I need to brush my teeth again."

I leave the living room, where I had spent quite a while cleaning, and head to the bathroom.

It was 5PM exactly. Which means Merlynn could arrive at any moment.

And this really weird, slightly silly idea will come into play.

Before I could brush my teeth for the third time, there was a knock at my door.

Deep breath, Hyrum. This is no biggie. It's basically like any other time we've hung out.

I decided not to wear a sweater tonight. One because I was nervous as hell, and it was making me feel the heat; and two, because I'm not totally sure chicks are in to big itchy sweaters.

So I wore a simple blue shirt, with the Ravenclaw crest on it.

"Mer? Um..."

I had opened the door, and my eyes fell upon a stack of blankets. I heard Merlynn laughs, a strange laugh, like a mix of a giggle and snort.

Then she pokes her head out from the side.

"You know what I've noticed?"

I open the door a little wider, and she walks past me and into the living room.

"No, what?" I ask, watching her curiously.

"You don't have a roommate! I have a roommate, her name is Meagan. She worships a sun God." She says and begins unstacking her blankets.

"Yeah... No one really wanted to room with someone like me," I explain bashfully, "I'm more of a loner anyway..."

"Also, you have one of the bigger and nicer dorms! I mean, you have an extra bedroom and no one uses it. Why is that?" Merlynn questions me.

"My parents paid the school extra to give me a really nice one," I shrug, "There are only a few like it. And the extra bedroom... I don't know why I have it."

I wasn't sure if Merlynn was still listening, she seemed a little busy with her blankets, and pulling my pillows off the couches; she was obviously making something.

I noticed there was a bag of microwavable popcorn sticking out of Merlynn's backpack, so I took it, gave Merlynn an amused look—and then went to the kitchen to warm it up.

"So what are we watching?" Merlynn  from the living room.

"Um, do you like Harry Potter?"

"Duh. Only morons and Satan's worshipers dislike Harry Potter."

I laugh, that honestly didn't make much sense.

"Well the Deathly Hallows part 1 is available on Netflix," I listen to the popcorn popping, "I thought we could maybe watch it?"

"Yes, sounds great! I should have wore my Hufflepuff socks!"

A smile tugs at my thin lips, happens a lot when I'm around her.

I take the buttery popcorn out of my microwave and pour it all into a jumbo sized bowl.

I take a couple pieces and pop it into my mouth, then I step into the living room and joined Merlynn; was was leaning against the wall, admiring her work.

She had in fact, like a little child, built a blanket fort.

"It's awesome." I eat some more popcorn.

"I know!" She takes some as well.

Merlynn then takes my hand and slowly pulls me down, until we were both on our hands and knees; and crawling into the blanket tent.

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