Angsty Fluff

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This chapter contains sensitive themes (specifically anorexia). In no way do I condone doing this, it is extremely unhealthy and/or fatal. Please seek help immediately if you are anorexic. Continue with caution.


3rd/Normal P.O.V.


Tom sat in his room, bored. Edd and Matt had gone out to purchase new mirrors and more of Edd's beloved cola, leaving Tom and Tord alone together. What could I do to distract myself?

His thoughts were interrupted by a quiet rumble. His stomach was growling, signaling his hunger. Tom had worn extremely thin over the past few weeks - he was starving himself, and anything he did consume was later tossed away into the toilet.

He scurried into the bathroom and stopped in front of the mirror. He lifted his hoodie, eyeing his curves in shame. He felt imperfect, and he longed for a good body - maybe that way, he would be able to impress his crush, Tord. But despite his best - and unhealthy - efforts, he still never found himself pleased with his form.

He felt gross and fat. The one who stood out for being the ugly duckling of his friend group. Tom had already figured that Tord would never love him no matter his body (since he always had random chicks with him), yet he continued this unhealthy cycle with each passing day.

His goal? He didn't really care at this point. He just wanted to feel accomplished. To feel... attractive. Those words struck him, and he was once again snapped out of his trance.

He locked the bathroom door and lifted up the toilet seat lid, getting on his knees.


Tord's P.O.V.


I heard the sound of someone vomiting. I knew that Edd and Matt were out, so I figured it was Tom. Images of how thin he's gotten flashed through my mind. Was he sick? Was something going on? I pondered for a moment, until I was shamed out of my thoughts from the sound of loud sobbing.

I rushed upstairs to see the bathroom light on. I knocked lightly, hoping for an answer. Nothing. I harshly pounded on the door, worry snapping my patience. I heard a quiet groan from the other side of the door, and then the doorknob jingled.

Tom stepped out of the bathroom with an annoyed expression. "Well, what is it?" He snarled. "I-I... uhm- I heard some noises and I... I wanted to make sure you were alright." I said, shrugging awkwardly. I felt my cheeks light up with embarrassment.

I liked Tom. No, I loved him. I admired his every detail - his sassy attitude, his soft and pale skin, his sexy (OOOHHH MY) hips, his--

"Uhm... thanks, I guess. I-I'm fine." Tom replied nervously. He was twiddling with his thumbs again, a habit of his I often found quite cute. I was ready to turn around to head back downstairs, until I noticed a small stain on Tom's "Stay ASDF Safe" t-shirt. It smelled vile, and it looked fresh.

"Hey Tom... what is that from?" I said, pointing at the mysterious stain. He tensed. I could tell something was wrong. "O-oh, this? I-it's from a snack I had... I-I must've gotten it on myself... clumsy me." He chuckled nervously.

I had an idea of what he was doing, and god, did I hope that was just a food stain. I clamped my hand around his wrist, tugging him into the bathroom with me.

His breathing quickened as I lifted up the toilet lid. I saw exactly what I predicted I'd see - vomit. Tom was starving himself, and anything he did eat he tried to get rid of. How did I not notice his gloomy moods and thin frame sooner? I felt so guilty. This was my fault.


Tom's P.O.V.


Tord's tight hand held a firm grip on my wrist. I began to panic. I didn't want him to find out. I was dragged next to the toilet, where I heard a loud gasp from Tord after he had lifted the lid.

I didn't waste to opportunity to wrench my wrist free of his hand. He looked me in pure horror. "Why, Thomas? Why did you do this?" He wailed. I covered my face with my hands, loudly sobbing. I quickly began to choke on my cries as my breathing sharply quickened and I struggled to take a breath.

I was having a panic attack. I must look pathetic... besides, why is he so concerned? He hates me. I felt strong arms wrap comfortingly around my shoulders - then everything went black.




I woke up in my bedroom. Was that a dream? Did Tord really not find out? I sighed in relief, but the noise must've caused whoever was behind me to move. My heart dropped. It was Tord, and this wasn't a dream. He had caught me.

But why was he cuddling with me? He hated me, right? I turned to face him, still laying down. I looked at his calm expression, and I felt my cheeks heat up. Why wasn't he angry with me? I didn't understand-

While I was thinking, his eyelids fluttered open to look down at me. I stared back at him with my black, lifeless voids. He gave me a comforting smile and pulled me in closer. He put his cold hands under my hoodie, rubbing calming circles on my back. I sighed, closing my eyes.

I felt something softly pressing against my lips, and my eyelids shot open. Tord was... kissing me? After I moment I gave into the kiss, practically melting in his grasp. We soon pulled away, and I was left staring at him in shock.

"W-why did you do that?" I managed to stutter out.

"Because, dear Thomas, jeg elsker deg."

I froze, running all the Norwegian phrases I knew through my head.

"What does that mean? It's some sort of insult, I'm guessing." I said, rolling my 'eyes'. Tord looked at me with an amused look. "It means 'I love you', silly." He said, pressing his forehead to mine. My heart skipped a beat. It felt like I was about to burst with pure joy.

I snuggled closer to his warm body, savoring this perfect moment. I felt his fingers run through my spikey yet soft hair as he whispered loving things to me. "Well then - jeg elsker deg too, Tord." I murmured into his chest. "He wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"Please never do that again, min kjærlighet. I love you will all my heart - never forget or underestimate that. You are perfect to me." He mumbled.

I barely heard his last sentence, though it warmed my heart as I drifted off to sleep at Tord's side.


Not too bad, eh? A full 1,133 words! It's pretty cheesy, but I'm honestly kinda proud of it. I hope you enjoyed, and I'm looking forward to making more ^^

Lol I think this posted twice but idk how to get rid of the second, I think it's a glitch--

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