🎺Love Song🎺

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(If you can name where the image/icon above is from, you are officially my new favorite person)

My mental health is rapidly declining oh yeah 👉😎👉

Take this shit and be happy with it, because my parents hate me (no, I cannot move out since I'm a minor, so dont ask) and my grandma is my only form of comfort and they wont let me talk to her because of it ahahahahasnejesjdjennsjeje

So uhm yeah uwu💕💕💕

Genre; uhh semi-sad fluff?

• • •

No P.O.V.

Tord glared daggers at the man across the room from him. The guy's name was Charles, and he and Tord had been friends for longer than they could remember.

They've obviously shared secrets throughout their friendship; Tord even told his biggest one, which was his crush on his rival, Tom.

He trusted Charles with his life, considering they've been best friends since small children - and with that came the trust that Charles wouldn't use that information against him. After all, Tord certainly wouldn't use his secrets against him.

They were both good-looking, so both had an advantage with the women (and a lot of men); but when Tord started being seen as better than his friend, Charles got pissed of at the lack of attention, and decided to steal his man. How selfishly rude.

So, that's where they are now. Tord was sitting on the sofa in angered disbelief as Charles sat propped up on one knee, serenading his Thomas with a sweet love song played on a guitar.

Tord gripped the armrest of the sofa so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He had waited so long for the day he would confess to Thomas, and to hopefully be able to finally call him his own and give him all the love and affection the Brit ever wanted.

But thanks to that blonde motherfucker singing a melody to his crush, that'd probably never happen.

Tord was so caught up in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed the song end. Edd and Matt leaned in from their seats at the table to hear Tom's response when Charles asked him "Would you like to go out with me?".

Tord willed the boy to say no, internally pleading that he'd decline even if Tom couldn't hear him. He had a choking feeling in his chest, and he felt himself on the verge of tears. His adams apple bobbed as he tried to contain himself and avoid having a breakdown in front of everyone.

On top of the grief and heartbreak, Tord felt angry. More angry than he'd ever been. He wanted to march over and pin Charles to the ground and punch his face until he begged for mercy. Yes, his thoughts were bloody, but he felt so betrayed that he wasn't even the slightest bit concerned.

Tom seemed to stutter at the question, being unable to form a proper response. He was speechless; nobody has ever done something so kind and romantic just for him.

Tord began to tremble as he saw Tom's face slowly light up with delight, his face morphing into that adorable little grin that Tord was head over heels for.

"Ye- I, uhm, su-re!" The Brit spluttered, fiddling with his thumbs. Charles stood up with a lighthearted grin and wrapped his arm protectively around Thomas's waist. He leaned in slowly, gently pecking his lips against Tom's. "I'll see you at Dunkin Donuts tomorrow at seven. See you then." He cooed as he walked out the door.

Before the door shut, he flashed Tord a smug grin and a wink. Tom didn't seem to notice; he looked utterly lovesick.

Tord felt his stomach twist into a knot. He wanted to wretch, and forget that ever happened. To forget that his own childhood and life-long friend didn't just betray him and smash his chances of ever being with the boy he'd loved since fifth grade.

With whatever energy he had left, he heaved himself upstairs, legs shaking, head pounding, and eyes watering. At least Tom would be happy; that's all that really mattered.

• • •

I planned way more for this, but as of right now I'm super focused on finishing a Christmas-based oneshot (because it's Christmastime, duh), and I lost all motivation I had to finish this,,
Maybe I'll make a part 2 in my spare time, you never know >u>

Merry Christmas you poopyheads 🤡🎄💞

Words; 742

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