🎃Cheater-Cheater Pumpkin Eater🎃

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No, this is not a Halloween-based oneshot, but it's 12:26PM and I'm suddenly being struck with sad vibes so why the hell not,,

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No P.O.V.

The door to Tord's bedroom creaked open, revealing a disheveled and severely upset Brit.

Tord sprang up in bed, the woman beside him batting her long eyelashes open groggily at the Norwegian's sudden movement. The man's hangover still weighed on him heavily, his head feeling as if it were alive with crawling fire ants, and joints weak.

His eyes widened as he realized what was happening, looking from the girl to his boyfriend in panicked glances. His clock read 12:18PM, the glowing red letters clearly visible in the dark.

He gulped, starting to shake. He hadn't known that getting a tad bit drunk would get him here; would get him to cheat on the one he loved so dearly.

Why did he even get drunk? Oh, fuck it. It's not like he cared about that anyways.

"Tord, honey, if you're stressed, I can help you. I can make you some tea using Edd's recipe that you liked, and we can talk about i-"

Tord slammed his fist down on the coffee table, rattling the empty Cola can that sat on its surface. His face twisted into a nasty sneer.

"Do you really think fucking plant-water is going to help me right now? My mother just married some other dumbfuck man and completely forgot about me and my father (This is what happened to my dad; when he was ready to move in with my mother, his mom left him and his dying father alone to take off with another man, ahaha-), and left him there to rot. Now I need to find a reliable nursing home for him, or some other proper living arrangement on top of having to compensate for loss of my best employee at my buissness during our hardest time!" The communist seethed.

Tom stepped back, startled by his sudden outburst. His mouth repeatedly opened and closed, being totally speechless. Tord scoffed and grabbed his coat. He opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch, slamming the door behind him, leaving his boyfriend alone in bewildered silence.

"I'm assuming this was supposed to be an accident?" Tom spoke calmly. The soothing tone almost scared Tord shitless, but at the same time, he felt oddly relieved, thinking that Tom understood that this was all done by mistake, and with no bad intentions. He was drunk, after all.

"Yeah, I-I'm so sorry, Thomas, I got drunk, and, thi-ings happened.. and..." he trailed off, struggling to contain himself.

The Brit's eyes narrowed, and his eyebrows creased as if he was in deep thought. He kissed his teeth, letting out a sharp sigh.

"Then, appearantly, believing that someone like you could understand commitment and loyalty to a relationship was an accident as well," he stated simply.

"Tord Lisston, I hope you are indeed proud of yourself. I truly loved you, but I'm afraid your actions prove that your feelings may not be mutual to mine. We're over, and our relationship is through." And with that, Thomas shut the door, engulfing the room with black.

Tord choked on air, feeling himself suffocate under the unbearable words that had just left his lover's mouth. He felt numb, like someone had just ripped the life and soul out of him.

The woman next to him lazily rolled over, her fully exposed neck smothered with hickeys and love bites that Tord left. Things that only Tom should have. She lopsidedly grinned, rubbing her hand over Tord's bare, chiseled chest, her wavy black hair draped over her shoulder. "So, how about a round two later sometime?" She giggled softly. Tord swatted her hand away, shoving her out of the bed and onto the floor.

"Hey!" She protested, letting out a high-pitched whine. Tord hurriedly slipped on his boxers and t-shirt, rushing out of the room to find Thomas. 

Tord heard cries and hushed words coming from Edd's bedroom, and he peeked open the door. Edd and Matt sat on the bed, squeezing Tom tightly, trying to console him as he cried.

Matt's head snapped up at the sound of the opening door, his lip curling into a vicious, animalistic snarl. He'd never seen the ginger so goddamned angry. He sprang up off of the bed, rushing forward to jab an accusing finger at Tord's chest.

"You fucking douchebag! Look at what you've done to Tom! I hope your ass burns in the deepest, most fiery, most evil, most corrupt, nasty, demon-filled, rot-stinking pit in hell, i-" Matt raged, only to be cut off by Edd as he called him over to help calm Tom down.

He completely forgot about Tord, practically leaping to help his friend. The entire time Matt was soothingly running his hands through Tom's hair and rubbing his back, Edd glared menacing daggers at him, daring him to speak.

"Tom, please, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, it was a total mistake; I swear on my soul I never intended for this to happen. It was a drunk accident, and I should've listened to you when you told me to calm down instead of go get wasted. I'm s-o fu-ucking sorry, baby. I-I really a-am." He begged, falling to his knees as the tears fell down his face, plopping onto the carpeted floor.

Tom didn't respond; he only buried himself deeper into Edd's green duvet cover, not having the energy to argue with him anymore. "Just... go. Go away. Go somewhere, I don't really care. Just not in here; I don't want you near me right now or anytime soon. Leave." Thomas whimpered, pulling the blanket closer to him as his friends comforted him, all the while staring down Tord, daring him to take another step forward.

The communist turned around and trudged back to his room, relieved to see that the slutty girl he'd slept with later night was finally gone. He swallowed hard, trying to suppress his tears as he thought about Thomas.

• • •

No idea what the hell that was, but it's now 1:17AM and I'm tired as fuck. G'night you ding-dongs, and merry Christmas Eve. 🎄💕

Words; 1051

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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