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I was in Paris for work. Went for a walk at night and it started to rain. I walked by a movie theater. I went in. I stood in line waiting for tickets and I saw this girl waiting in front of me. I smelled a beautiful fragrance. Never in my life had I smelled anything more beautiful. I couldn't move from emotion. She turned her head slowly and it was Sanem. I touched her shoulders and asked 'do you remember me?' After that day I was addicted to her scent. -Can Divit


After several weeks here, I still wasn't used to the dazzling display that was Paris at night. Standing at Pont d'lena I stared at the Eiffel Tower glittering in the night. It was surreal, an impossible dream. I was dressed in a designer ball gown with only a flimsy wrap to ward off the chill of the spring evening, wandering the streets of Paris instead of celebrating the launch of my perfume. In addition, I was a recently published author, my book Early Bird was an unexpected bestseller. I had accomplished more than I had ever dreamed of, I had done things I had never thought myself capable of doing. Most importantly, I had finally proven to myself and my family that I was more than just a daydreamer. I was now a successful woman, standing on her own two feet.

I had come a long way from Sanem the shopkeeper and yet... And yet I felt empty, lost. I felt as if some part of me had been amputated and now like a phantom limb I still felt the absence of it at times. The pain of it ebbed and flowed but sometimes, sometimes, like tonight, it was just as powerful and breathtaking as it had been on that dreadful day.

You lied to me over and over. I never want to see you again.

Had it been a year already? I stared down at the murky waters of the Seine. If only I hadn't fallen prey to Emre's machinations. If only I had confessed sooner. Keşke.

Water under the bridge and all that. There was no point to all of this self-recrimination, I reminded myself. It was really well and truly over. He did not know how to forgive and it was not my job to teach him. I impatiently wiped the tears from my cheeks and noticed it had been raining for some time. If I didn't move I would soon be soaked to the skin. I ran as fast as my long fitted gown would allow, luckily I wore my sneakers under my fancy dress. I ran through the dark wet streets and ducked into the first open establishment I came across. A movie theater.

I felt his presence before I saw him.

He touched my shoulder and I was gripped by an overwhelming sense of deja vu.

I turned my head slowly, heart in my throat. And a memory assailed me, sharp and dreamlike all at once: Wearing white in his garden, my heart full of love and surrender:

You won't believe it probably but I've seen this moment in my dream before.

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