Sana Aşığım

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"This is your childhood home!" I cried out when I finally saw where he was taking me.

He parked and then went to help me out of the truck.

I had been here once before when he first told me he was falling in love with me. It had been one of the most bittersweet moments of my life. The house had been in some disrepair then but the house that greeted me now was anything but. The paint was fresh and the large windows gleamed in the sun. I looked in amazement at the newly planted garden and the sparkling pool. He held my hand while we walked around outside. He had always been a tactile man but now he seemed unable to keep from touching me when I was near.

When we walked up the steps to the door, he took a deep breath and opened the door. I took in the newly polished floor, the beautifully ornate woodwork, the windows with incredible views of the city below us and in the middle of the enormous room a table set for two. I looked at Can in wonder.

"This is incredible."

"Dinner first? Or tour?"

"Tour!!!" I said excitedly.

He showed me the rest of the house and told me stories of what sounded like a lonely childhood spent within these walls.

"I could get lost in this place, " I said when we were exploring the upstairs.

"When I couldn't find you, I needed something to do or I would have gone crazy. So I started to work on it. With some help here and there." He held my face in his hands and looked at me for a long moment. I had a feeling he was gathering his courage.

"It's your house if you want it." He finally said, "for when you're in the city."

"It's beautiful, Can but I..."

"Wait, before you say anything else. I've saved the best for last."

He took me back down the stairs, down a short hallway to a double door. He opened it with a flourish. My mouth hung open in awe. It was a library. The most beautiful library I had ever seen with floor to ceiling shelves, several seating areas, a desk facing one of the big beautiful windows. And books. So many books. The rest of the house was sparsely furnished except for this room. It looked lived in. It looked like heaven. I didn't know where to look. I ran around admiring the books, running my hands over the spines and climbing on the ladder.

"For your writing," he said smiling up at me when he saw me gazing at the ornate desk.

I looked at his innocent expression and narrowed my eyes. "You knew I'd never be able to say no to this. But Can... A house?

"I come with it," he smiled and the slight suspicion I had bloomed into a full-blown conviction. He was afraid to outright ask me to stay with him. I understood his fear, I had given him a lot of mixed signals before I sent him away.

"Catch me," I said and then I launched myself off the ladder straight at him. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him endlessly, wildly, passionately rubbing myself against his hardness. After an eternity he broke off the kiss on a gasp.

"Sanem, we have to stop."

I ignored him and traced my lips all over his face down to his neck, my hands fisting his hair.

He groaned. "Baby, you're killing me. We have to stop. Your first time won't be on a floor or against a wall."

"Why not?" I pouted.

He laughed, kissed me gently and set me down.

"Because, my beautiful temptress, it must be on our honeymoon on a proper bed."

"Who knew you were so traditional?" I grumbled.

We ate dinner by candlelight. I told him about my need to return to Paris at some point in the near future and that's when he became quiet. After we finished eating he took me down to the garden. I gazed out at the city while he embraced me from behind, his arms around my waist, his voice like silk in my ear.

"You have taught me that love is having wings but choosing not to fly away. I learned that the hard way but the lesson will never be forgotten."

I trembled. My fears had lessened but still simmered under the surface and he knew it would take time for me to heal.

And then words of love, another heartfelt confession that my guilt hadn't allowed me to accept before, were repeated again and this time my heart was ready:

"I fell in love with you, Sanem. The moment I saw you I think my heart recognized yours even before I learned your name. Since then, my eyes see only you when you're with me or not. At home. At the beach, In the forest. Just you."

I turned in his arms to face him. And without preamble, I caressed his beard and kissed him lightly on the lips. I had come so close to losing him. Twice. This man was mine and I was going to erase all the doubts in his mind.

"I promise you that no matter what happens between us I will never let go of your hand." I brought his head down and whispered in his ear: "Can, will you marry me?"

He looked at me unable to speak, his eyes welled up and he buried his face in my neck.

"Should I get on one knee? You have no choice, you know, I must have that library."

He gave me a watery chuckle. "I was counting on that."

"I still have issues and sometimes doubts but I'm working on it," I said caressing his hair, his back, any part of him I could reach. "I love you Can, I will always love you. It feels as though I loved you before I even knew you existed and I know I will love you long after I'm gone from this world. I don't want to waste one more minute of my life without you."

He took a shuddering breath and finally looked at me

"You destroy me," he whispered.

Then he kissed me tenderly, sweetly with all of the love in his heart.

"You didn't answer me, " I teased him.

"Yes and yes and yes," he picked me up by the waist and spun me in a circle. Our laughter rang out with the city we both loved twinkling at our feet.

I was back at my parent's house. Since Can had mostly recovered and there was no excuse for me to stay with him without my parents having a stroke. It was the night before our hastily arranged wedding and my groom sent me a goodnight text ensuring I wouldn't be going to sleep anytime soon

"At our house, I would stroke your hair until you fell asleep, then breathe in your scent so it would accompany my dreams."

Ah, the man was lethal.

Tomorrow, I promised, and all the tomorrows for the rest of our lives.

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