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One by one the demons started to appear either on the floor or the balconies. Each one cheering or thanking bill. And after two hours every demon was in the throne room. Completely covering the balconies and the floor some flying and others seating on the railings. The rest where on the red stair case. Apparently this was just a handful of them since the rest still don't know that the rift is open.

"Hello my little henchmaniacs!!! How is everybody?!?!"
Bill yelled into the crowd making them all cheer.
"You all Can thank pinetree over here for what he's done!! He's freed all of you and is now your queen!!! So respect him as you would do to me!!!"
Bill yelled. All eyes where on me as the demons cheered. So this is what pyronica meant. I felt happy. But i also felt overwhelmed. My heart started beating fast. I just wanted to hide. This increase anger rose out of nowhere. And I couldn't control it. If I hide my eyes I wouldn't need to see the horrible seen in front of me.

The large triangular doors burst open. Mabel and some other people where there. But what caught my eye was the stain of blood she had on her skirt. It was ruby red. And I could smell it all the way up here. Fairy blood. My vision turned red. I was shaking with anger. I could see my canes gem glowing a piercing red.
"Bill stand down or I'll shoot and kill you!!!"
She yelled pointing a gun like thing at him.
"What's that blood on you mabel?"
I asked her she glared at me.
"Some weird small floating  insect that tried to stop me!!! Now i want you bill to surrender or else I'm going to use uncle Ford's new weapon!! Anti demon gun!!!"
She yelled looking back at bill. But I didn't grasp that in the slightest. The only thing I thought of was her first sentence.

They kept they're promise. And in the end she killed one of them. How could she? How could she hurt my children!!!!! In a flash I was right in front of her. I took the gun and through it away in a random direction. My blood boiled. I wanted to kill her. And I am. I bring up my fist and smash it right in here stomach. Her shocked face and eyes looked straight at me. As she coughed up blood. Making it cover my left cheek and ear and part of my shirt. Her body hit the wall so hard it made a large hole passing her to the room on the other side. I could hear the other people who came with her gasp and run over to her.

After some smoke that the crash created cleared out I walked through the large whole. To see the people checking her. Her two friends from before where there. A read head that looked like a wood chopper and an oversized guy that looked completely overwhelmed. I walk over to mabel not caring about the rest. Grenda I believe was her name came at me and through a punch at me. I catche'd it quickly with my right hand and threw here a few feet away hitting the wall hard. Making her choke out air. Candy then came at me with a bat. I grabbed both her wrist and kicked her stomach making her shed a few tears collapsing onto the ground holding her sides. Then the oversized guy soos that worked at uncle Stan's work shop came and tried to help her.

He looked at me with a worried face.
"Dipper i thought you where the good guy?!?!"
He yelled at me making me stop. I look at him.
"I am"
I stated slowly turning my body to him. He shakes his head.
"What good person would hurt his own sister uncle and friends?!?!"
He yelled. I stared confused at him. He actually thought I considered that bitch my sister and these two idiots my friends. Hah What a joke.
"Your kidding right? There's no way I would consider the person who tortured me for my whole life as my sister especially being friends with two idiot girls who think that they're all this and that!!!"
I yelled at him. He looks at me before looking down.
"Besides I am doing good!!! I'm helping this world by taking every single person who does not belong here!!! And these idiotic fools are one of them!!!"
I continued going closer to him.

"Nothing gives you the right to take away a person's life"
He stated.
"Your right. I know that. But what's to say we won't?"
I asked
"Your human!!! Humans aren't supposed to hurt each other!! We're all the same!!"
He yelled tears streaming down his face.
"We may be humans, we may be intelligent, we may have feelings, and we may experience pain. But that doesn't stop us from killing. Don't you see?!?! It's animal nature!!! Kill or be killed!!! If you want to survive then you have to make sure no one gets In your way!! That's how the human mind works!! Those despicable creatures only think for themselves!! Not caring for anyone unless they have some decency!! Hell even animals are more civilized then them!!!"
I yelled. The demons cheered. And I had a wide smile plastered on my face.

"That's not right!!!! It's not the good thing to just do as you please!!!"
He yelled at me making me stop smiling. I walked closer to him. Grabbing him by the shirt and holding him above me.
"Your human also so you must understand!!! That no matter what this won't fix anything!!!"
He continued. I laughed. Is he really this dense? Pathetic absolutely pathetic. I heard a gunshot fire. I look to my side to see that the red head had fired my back. I look down to see my shirt and vest completely destroyed. Making my upper body show. Making scars show. My cane was fine thankfully. She looked at me in horror as I didn't hold even a single scrape.
"You actually thought that would work? Sure it can work on both demons and humans, but unfortunately for you I'm neither of those things"
I say. Looking back at soos I lower him down. My mouth beside his ear.
"There's no such this as good or bad, correct or wrong. There's only opinions. So sad that you had to learn this the bad way"
I say slowly holding him back up before slamming him down onto the hard floor. His blood splattered all over my upper body. His head fell to the side his eyes wide and fresh with tears. His body laying limp as his breathing stopped. I looked at his head seeing a big gash on the side. I could see blood all around him along with some flesh bits.

I turn back to Wendy I believe her name was. Walking over to her taking the gun away effortlessly as fear graced her eyes. She stared straight forward paralyzed. Crushing the gun like thing as I let it fall to the ground with my foot. I look at Wendy kicking her away from mabel. Making her slam into the right sided wall. She choked on a bit of air and blood before collapsing onto the ground unconscious.

I look down at mabel and see her looking at me in fear and anger.
I asked her.
"Why What?"
She asked me
"Why did you kill that fairy?"
I asked her
"He was getting in the way saying that he won't let any harm come to you so I killed him"
She said her breathing turning loud as more blood came out of her slashed stomach. I nodded bringing my foot up. I stomped on her chest making her scream. I stomped again making her cry. I stomped again making her bleed. I stomped again and again and again making her die. I look down and see her dead body. All covered in blood.

Well that was quick now wasn't it? Looking back up I was immediately pulled into someone's arms. Bill. His left hand on my waist and his right hand under my left thigh. Bringing it up slowly I put both of my hands around his neck. His eyes meeting mine.
"I love seeing you like that"
He says with a large smirk on his face. I could feel myself blush as he says that. Making him slam his lips onto mine. Cheers could be heard all over. Mabel was gone. I felt good. This felt good.

I wouldn't change anything for it.

It's almost the end of the story!!!! So what do you think? Do you have any guesses on what dipper is?

Well bye lovely readers!!!!

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