Ch. 8

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-Visisquodinvisibilia( Visis•quad•invisi•bil•ia )Means: "Seeing the invisible" in Latin -

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( Visis•quad•invisi•bil•ia )
Means: "Seeing the invisible" in Latin

Hannah's POV
I woke from my pleasant slumber, rubbing my eyes as I sat up in bed, as soon as I sat up I got this gut feeling that said; something important is going to happen, be on watch..., weird, I thought as I ran my hand through my hair, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, letting my bare feet touch the cold hardwood floor, I shivered, getting up, I made my way over to the small window in my room, I peeled the see-through curtains back to see four hedges that looked like, a centaur, a dinosaur, a elephant and a tiger, I smiled, Fiona has her work cut out for her, I thought, I removed myself from the curtain covered windows, I went into my wardrobe, I picked out a summer-y outfit: a black shirt, short overalls and sneakers, I got dressed and made my way down to the large dining room


I went over to the lake, I sat down admiring the crystal clear water that came with water lilies, lily pads and was dressed with beautiful tropical fish, I inwardly smiled at the sight, I heard a voice yelling they were yelling; "Han," I whipped my head around to see the same pair of amber eyes and brown hair I saw ten years ago, it was my sister, Katherine, I smiled widely, "Kat," I screamed, I ran over to her, she picked me up and spun me around, Horace's dream really did come true, I thought as Katherine put me down, "I really missed you, Kat, it's been ten years," I said all happy inside, because not only is my sister alive and breathing, but she is standing right in front of me, she smiled, "I know, I missed you too, it's been way too long." She said, smiling even wider than she was before, "C'mon, let's go inside, I want you to meet the peculiars and Miss Peregrine." I said, grinning ear to ear, she nodded quickly and I quickly pulled her inside


As we got inside we were met with the bright smiling face of little Claire, "Hannah, who's that" She asked sweetly, gesturing to Katherine, "This is my sister, Claire, her name is Katherine, Katherine, this is Claire, she has a back-mouth" I said introducing them to each other, Claire's back-mouth roared, they smiled at each other, Claire then ran off to the backyard to the twins to play with them, we walked silently to the backyard, where most of the peculiars were, the first to say hi, were; The Twins And Bronwyn, "These are The Twins" I said gesturing to the little seven year old twin boys wearing cloth suits that covered them from head to toe, "and this is Bronwyn, she has the strength of ten men." I said gesturing to eight year old girl standing right next to The Twins, Bronwyn gave a warm smile to us and ran off with The Twins, over to the seesaw.


I finished off giving my sister a tour of the children, we re-entered the inside of the house and were met with the smiling face of Miss Peregrine, "You must be Katherine Davis, I'm Miss Peregrine delighted to meet you," She said happily whilst offering her hand to Kat, Katherine gladly took her hand and shook it lightly, "You two should get ready, supper's in ten minutes," Miss Peregrine said and walked off to her study, "C'mon, I'll show you where your room is, you'll be sharing with me," I smiled, we walked into my bedroom, I handed her: A pair of ripped blue jeans and a black tie-dye shirt, "The bathroom is to the right, down the hall," I said informing her, she walked off into the direction of the bathroom, entered and closed the door behind her, I changed whilst she was in the bathroom into: a plaid flannel, some black jean shorts and some sneakers,


Merely, two minutes later, Katherine emerged from the bathroom, wearing the clothes I handed her, I checked the clock, we had five minutes to get to dinner, so we quickly made our way into the dining room and sat down, Enoch was sitting beside me and Katherine was sitting on my other side, we were just about to talk to each other until, Miss Peregrine entered the room, addressing Katherine's presence, "Well, I would like to address the new ward we have gained in the past few hours, Katherine Davis," The whole table applauded, Katherine blushed lightly at the attention, I smiled, I could tell the little kid coming out from within Katherine, I could see all of the stories that mother told us were true, and she was very excited about it

Suddenly the phone rang, Miss Peregrine quietly excused herself from the large, crowded table, "So, Katherine, what's your peculiarity," Hugh asked in question, she smiled, "Well," she paused, "I can see anything that is invisible, such as, spirits, ghosts, Hollowgasts, anything that's invisible really," She said happily, and I remembered something that almost made me scream in happiness, but I didn't say anything, but, all of the memories of her telling me about it came flooding back when I was talking about it, back when I was five,

We moved to the living area, sitting on the rather big couches, I was sitting next to Enoch and Claire, Katherine was sitting next to Millard,

"Y'Know that peculiarity is pretty rare, Visisquodinvisibilia," Millard said excitedly, Katherine nodded in exchange, "Yep, I know, I always carry my mom's copy of: Tales of the peculiars, around with me," She pulled out the big, hefty book, Millard looked at it in awe, well at least what I think was awe, "How can you carry that around, it's so heavy, I have to get Bronwyn to get it for me," Millard said, confused, Katherine shrugged, "I have no clue honestly," she said, Millard nodded, Miss Peregrine entered the room and told us to get ready for movie time, so we went upstairs to get dressed
Katherine's POV
I came into the living room wearing Hannah's pajamas, I sat down next to Millard on the couch, he gratefully gave me a cup of hot chocolate, I quietly thanked him, I saw Horace put his eye piece on and the dream started...
Katherine was sitting on the edge of her bed reading a book called: The Night Watch by Sarah Waters, she heard a spirit float in, she looked up from her book, 'Victor, do you want anything,' she said politely, the spirit of Victor Bruntley nodded, 'Yes, in fact, could you tell Bronwyn and Enoch, that I miss them, that it wasn't their fault that I died, It was mine, and Also tell Miss Peregrine to stop blaming herself, for my passing, thank you and goodbye, Katherine,' He said while going back to roam around the house, she nodded, 'I will, Victor, I will,' She whispered back...
The 'movie' ended, I looked over to see Millard looking down, his light brown hair falling down in his face, the silence was so loud you could hear a pin drop, the increasing silence, Miss Peregrine told us to go to sleep, so I bid my goodnight to Millard, and his to me, and I went upstairs, closed the shared bedroom door, and I had a peaceful sleep until a scary nightmare interrupted...

Heyyy, sorry it took me so long
Looks like we have a new ward on our hands, this chapter will continue on the next chapter
Hope y'all like it!
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