Ch. 12

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—Katherine's POV~ 4:40 pm~ September 3rd, 1943—

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Katherine's POV~ 4:40 pm~ September 3rd, 1943

"You said you've been to Devil's Acre before," Claire questioned, clutching her plush doll, I nodded, "I didn't know it was Devil's Acre at the time, until I met the Bentham Spirits, they sadly were one of many bad spirits, I have even met many spirits that have survived the Salem witch trials, where I'm from, Salem, Massachusetts, even some peculiars that were apart of the trials, some people call it the century of murder, because so very many people were tortured and burned or hung at stake."
I paused, I didn't want to give the little children a scare, I mean, the trials were one of the biggest historical controversy in the 1600's, "Well, that's all the information I'm going to give you, I have to go help Fiona with dinner," I informed them, I watched as the small children ran outside in the over bearing sunlight

I smiled inwardly, I stood up, I made my way into the small Victorian-style kitchen, Fiona ran into the kitchen carrying a large bundle of vegetables, fruit and one large dead, featherless chicken, "You can start on the chicken and I'll start on the fruits and veggies," I ordered, Fiona merely nodded, I looked at the array of veggies: Potatoes, and Peas, and for the fruits: Blueberries, Strawberry's and Blackberry's, I nodded at the array of food and I started making the mashed potatoes
I soon finished with the veggies so I started in the fruit, so I decided to look in the small fridge, I saw milk, no, honey, no, yogurt, yes, perfect, I grabbed the rather large container of yogurt, I decided to make a large bowl of mixed berry yogurt, so I started to make the mixed berry yogurt...
I checked my watch, it read 5:15 pm, I smiled and wiped the beads of sweat that was on my face from setting up the table, I looked over to Fiona and high-fived her, proud of our work, I told her we should get ready for dinner, so I headed to my shared room, I put on a vintage 'Brooklyn, NY' t-shirt and some blue jeans,

I entered the buzzing conversation that was in the dining area, I sat down across from Jacob and I was sitting next to Hannah, I saw Jacob stop conversing with Emma and Victor, look down at my shirt and back up at me, "So, you're uh, from New York, I see," He said weirdly, I nodded, "You're a Floridian, I guess," I crossed my arms, "How'd you know," Jake asked, "Your complexion," I a-matter-a-factly said, I saw as Jake's eyebrows knit together,  it he just let the subject go, "So, what's it like in 2019," he asked, Miss Peregrine who was intrigued, decided not to intervene in the conversation, "well, Florida has gotten worse, crime wise," I paused, "Crime wise: School shootings have gone up 42 percent since 2016, and other serious crime has gone up 5.2 percent since 2016," I informed

"And the conflict, that has gone haywire in America, the conflict against America and Korea, god its bad, and there is so many others that I can name," I stopped myself, I didn't want to tell the little ones about the other conflicts that have almost led us to war, the phone rang, signaling to get ready for the reset and then bed, Emma and Horace were in charge of clean up, I made my way up to my room to get dressed, Hannah brushed by me, clothes in hand, making her way to the bathroom, I grabbed a baggy Metallica shirt and some black, baggy pajama shorts, and came downstairs for to watch the reset and then go to sleep....

Wow, LOOP DAY IS TOMORROW! September 3rd! I'm very excited also that's the day the hurricane's going to hit, UHGHH. I HATE hurricanes but they get us off school! IF YOU CELEBRATE LOOP DAY MAKE SURE TO GO ALL OUT! YAY!
678 words!

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