Ch. 10

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• It gets CRAZY so be prepared •

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• It gets CRAZY so be prepared •

Btw. It has been a week since Katherine has arrived to the household...

Katherine's POV
It was movie time, I had just gotten to the sofa sitting next to Millard and both of the twins, Horace put his eyes piece on and the movie started and I soon realized what it was about...

In the dream...
I was sitting hugging my knees to my chest on my bed, back at my home in New York City, mom and dad were yelling back and forth to each other, I was five, I looked up to see a ghost, at least what I thought was a ghost, she introduced herself as Sybil Ambler, her eyes were missing, they were out of her sockets, 'Be safe my Katherine, be safe,' She said then she dispersed into smoke, Sybil Ambler, I thought, that name sounded familiar...

I heard my parents' door close, I assumed my mom went to sleep, because I still heard pacing footsteps coming from the living room, I heard some muffled talking coming from the same source that I heard the pacing, then a loud gunshot was heard by my tiny ears, then my little sister screamed, a loud, throat ripping scream, I rushed out to the living room, only to see a little Hannah Davis, on the floor clinging to my dad's dead body, I wanted to yell, I wanted to yell so loud the whole world could hear me, but I was so chocked up that I could only make out two words: 'YOU BASTARD'  I yelled those words at the top of my lungs, as loud as I could, to the guy who killed my dad, then the only thing I could do was cry and hug my little sister who was bawling,... then I saw a flash of a person, a ghost really, his name was Abe Portman, he too had his eyes missing from his sockets... another flash almost scared me half to death, I saw two men in their late twenties named: Myron and Caul Bentham, one had white eyes and one had a bullet hole right through his head, it looked like it was from a Winchester '94... they just kept whispering the name: 'Alma... Alma' over and over again, Alma, that's the headmistress name.
Just as the movie ended, I dashed up to my shared room, Millard and Hannah tried to catch me but I was too fast, tears started welling up in my dark amber eyes, and the tears started to fall, fast, once I got to the room, I slammed the door, I locked it, and slid down it until I got onto the floor, the scene replayed and replayed in my head

I looked up from where I was looking down, my peculiarity went haywire, I saw the spirits of Myron and Caul Bentham, I shrieked, I heard Hannah bang loudly on the door and I could also hear the others and our Ymbryne outside of the door with her, "We'll kill all of you" Caul said direfully, I stood up and stood my ground, I scoffed, the others behind the door gasped, I knew they could hear the bad spirits, "Only if I resurrect you and if I allow you a weapon, but, that can't happen now will it, because I know what you all have done, I'm very surprised that you all have not been banished to hell yet, I mean, you all have murdered countless people, trapped countless people, so," I waved to them a menacing goodbye and with a swish of my hand they were gone before I yelled, "GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR GUILT" I sent them to a hot and fiery hell, I hope they have fun

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