Chapter 1
A Hermetic Life

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"Nope. Not today."

"Um...can someone please explain why Kyoko is acting like someone shit on her favorite book...again?" A young boy, no older than 12 asks. The boy had unruly brown hair and hazel eyes shinning with confusion. His sun kissed face had two red triangles, one on each cheek and a jet black puppy was sticking out of his jacket.

"No idea, Kamu. I'm pretty sure she acts like that most of the time," another boy said and snorted from holding in a dry chuckle. The boy was an exact copy of the other. He even had a jet black dog to match the other's.

The two, obviously identical twins just shrugged simultaneously. All they where trying to do was ask her to join in on one of there pranks. It would be fun so why not but she just had to be a party-pooper.

"Huh, I guess, Kano. Well, let's go, maybe we can spot down someone else from class and invite them to join us."


The girl, who's first words in this book where, "Nope. Not today," was on her way to her favorite spot to spend her time away from people. Knowing the twins antics, she quickly brushed them off and kept going. It was her day off. No school. No nothing. She has to spend 8 hours, 6 days a week with those two in class, she at least deserved to have one day away from them.

The girl, named Kyoko wasn't necessary a rude person but she wasn't exactly the nicest person ever. She was a bit prickly, to put it simply.

She was never rude or disrespectful and she always treated everyone equally. However, she always walked around with a slight scowl on her face and stormy grey eyes that seemed to pierce through your soul.

She walked down the road and it slowly changed from houses to trees as she walked farther from the heart of the village. As less and less people where seen on the road, Kyoko started to relax. Once all the houses where gone, she turned into the woods and walked until she came upon a lazy river. By now the tension was gone from her shoulders and the almost constant scowl was replaced with a look of relief.

Kyoko sat down in the shade of a tree near the river, letting out a tired sigh. The wind blew through the trees, ruffling her green hair. She closed her eyes in easeful peace and breathed in the fresh air.

It was nice to be away from people. To her, she could only associate people with unease, pain and exploitation.

See, there was something different about Kyoko. She has a secret, one that if told could get her killed, or worse, used as a weapon.

She could look at someone and without her control, she saw every single thing that has happened in there life. The good. The bad. Everything.

That's why she didn't like being around people, because if she looked at someone for to long, she would see there whole life flash before her eyes. It causes a constant unease for her.

And it hurt when it happened. It felt like she was getting stabbed with a bunch of kunai and her brain was being picked apart piece by piece over and over.

Kyoko hated this. She hated knowing everything. She hated knowing that pretty much everything about history was a lie, she hated knowing the pain people have gone through.

Shinobi are the worst to see. She knew killing was a part of the job but watching like she was them and knowing how many people someone has killed is straight up horrible. And she hated herself because she felt like she was invading these people's lives. She didn't deserve to know all these things about complete strangers. It was wrong, so wrong.

She didn't get to live her childhood wearing rose tinted glasses. That's not how she got to live. She new the ugly truth of the world.

Kyoko didn't know if being able to see these lies or if the actual lies made her angrier.

The world pissed her off.

She could only find peace in nature and young children. Even if young children could be annoying as all hell, they weren't tainted by the world yet and she couldn't see any of there memory's. It was like a breath of fresh air.

One would think sleep would be the perfect escape but it wasn't. The things she's seen in other people's memories haunt her. Death. That's the only thing that meets her when she tries to sleep.

Some nights she stays up as long as she can so she doesn't have to sleep and see there faces. On sleepless nights she buries herself in fantasy books, trying to escape from reality while other days she writes about the lives of the memories she sees.

Books. That was something she had a lot of. She was constantly going to the library to get new books. Most of them where fiction. She had one bookshelf decided to her fiction and the other to her journals. Each persons past she's seen has a book dedicated to them, sometimes more.

As Kyoko sat in the shade of the oak tree, she tried to temporarily distract herself from her thoughts by focusing on the rush of the river. She didn't want to be thinking about her strange curse. It didn't help much, though and her mind still wandered back to the topic.

Kyoko let out an exasperated sigh, flopped onto her back and looked up at the sky, "Fuck my life."

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Hello! Another story because I have commitment issues.

Anyways, what do you think? I'm a bit iffy about starting the story like this 'cause I really did not know how to start it.

The main character, Kyoko as you can see is pretty angsty. She's pissed off at the world and herself. In all honestly, I hate her personality but it's also really fun to write at the same time. As time goes on, she's gonna have some major character development, so that's gonna be fun.

I hope this first chapter interests you enough to keep reading!

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