Chapter 3
Detention, Well Shit

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I just need to like, find a hole and die in it. A really really really deep one that I can't get out of. I bury my face in my hands and let out a frustrated breath.

To put it simply, my luck is absolute crap. Why is it, when I just want to have a pain free and trauma free day, I can't?

I thought, maybe I could just go to school, get the work done and than once school was out run off and be all by myself. Well, not completely by myself. Animals count as company and the forest critters, surprisingly enough, like me. But still.

I let out an exasperated sigh, rubbing my temples in hope to ease the oncoming headache. It goes unnoticed by the class that has erupted into an excited chatter about who could possibly be the special guest. I honesty could care less.

And in comes in the one and only Hatake Kakashi, bursting through the door with three others following close behind. And thank god I've already seen his past or I would of made one hell of a scene. When I saw parts of his past I might of run off into an ally and thrown up and had a panic attack. But let's not talk about that.

Followed behind him are three genin, I remember them from earlier this year. They graduated around six months ago. Uchiha Sasuke; the lone survivor, Uzumaki Naruto; the outcast and Haruno Sakura; the diehard fangirl and regrettably my cousin. They are one hell of a team if the rumors are true.

Well, this is boring as all hell. Might as well sleep. A Nara next to me has already decided that sleep is more important and is passed out, drool pooling out of his mouth. From my spot at the back of the classroom, looking down across all the tables and the four shinobi at the front of the room, I lazily lay my head on the table, wrapping my arms around my head to block out the light and quickly doze off. A faint voice in the back of my head tells me not to do so, but I swiftly ignored it. Lack of sleep, finally catching up with me, drifts me off into a deep sleep.

A slam on the table wakes me from my sleep, a deep panic sets in as I jolt awake and subconsciously reach for my kunai pouch hidden under the table. The loud slam is followed by the yell of a familiar voice, freeing me of some of my panic but my shoulders are still tense from the adrenaline still coursing through me, "Haruno Kyoko and Nara Hiromitsu! You better wake up and stay the hell up before I double the detention I already have set for you two!"

I meat the glare of my sensei and let out a tsk. The Nara next to me rubs the sleep from his eyes and gives our sensei an unamused look. In unison we let out a bland - but not lacking respect, can't have that or there will be even more detention - "Yes, sensei."

Sensei gives us one more glare before turning around and promptly moving back to the front of the room. I take in my surroundings, class was over, it was only me and the Nara in the classroom. No sign of the other students and no sign of the visiting shinobi that earlier occupied the front of the room.

How long had I been asleep?

A shuffle and a mutter of troublesome is heard by me and quickly fades away as I look at the clock on the wall. 12:04 It was lunch already. I had slept for a while (three hours and twenty-four minutes to be exact). I still felt slightly disoriented but quickly stood up from my seat, and walked out the room, sparing only a brief look at sensei.


Saying I would make a special for making it to 200 followers and than not? Procrastinating when I have time to write and than getting super busy? Yeah, totally a me move. Live has been crazy lately and I was thinking about apologizing but whatever.

Well, I just y'all can ask any questions you like? I guess. I don't honestly know. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, it's short but it's something.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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