Chapter 2
A Bittersweet Smile

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I let out a sigh, trying to rub the headache away. It fails, like usual. Another sleepless night, like usual. I swear, eventually this is all gonna catch up to me and I'm gonna be a walking zombie.

The sleepless nights suck because I've noticed that it's starting to affect my grades. I can't focus as well in class and I'm grumpier than usual.

I let out another tired sigh, reorganizing my desk, and than standing up and pushing in the chair. My whole room was creepily clean. My room was void of all clutter, everything having a place and being just so. My room lacked much personality, bare of any design or photos.

I pick out a set of clothes, just a simple green shirt, a brown sleeveless zip up jacket and black pants. I was fashionable, yes but feminine, no way in hell. After that, I walk out of my room and into the bathroom. Quickly taking a shower, I get dressed, put my hair up into two high ponytails and brush my teeth.

After I'm done with all of that, I get out of the bathroom and start making my lunch, along with my little brother and sister lunch.

My brother - Kinnojo - is 6, it's been his first year going to school while my sister - Koto - is 8. They both go to the civilian school but in my free time, when my parents aren't home - of course - I teach them basic self defense and weapon use. I'm glad they aren't becoming ninja but also they still need to know how to protect themselves.

It's probably quite obvious but my parents are civilians. Compared to most, they are very well off. They've both had money there whole life and hadn't had to worry about much.

My mother works along side a man named Haruno Kizashi, a nice and humble man who owns half of Haruno Banking while my mother owns the other half. The two of them are cousins, neither having siblings decided to run the company together. And my dad works as a manager for the Water Purification Center.

My parents never did want me to become a ninja but I fought them for years to let me join. The reason behind there dislike of me becoming a ninja is a little dirty secret I'm not supposed to know. However, after a while, they finally caved in and let me go to the ninja academy. Sometimes I wish they never did cave in, mainly because I've realized that I really can't do anything to change this world. It was just a hopeless childish dream.

While I'm making the lunches I hear my parents getting ready for the day and helping my younger siblings get ready to. We seemed like the perfect family and I know that I would do anything to keep it that way.

I quickly finish up the lunches and start on breakfast as the four of them come down the stairs. I let out a quiet, "Goodmorning," as I flip the pancakes. While Kinnoji and Koto mess around and play, my parents help me finish up breakfast. We make small talk while cooking but quickly fall back into silence. We where all introverted so we didn't need to talk to each other a lot, something I was terribly grateful for.

We sit down at the table, Kinnoji and Koto giggling and laughing while talking and my Mom and Dad comment on a thing here and there. All I can do is let out a bittersweet smile.

By now it is 08:00 and I need to be at school in a half an hour. I excuse myself from the table, gather my supplies for school and than head out. It takes me 14 minutes to walk to school, arriving 16 minutes early.

There are few people in the classroom yet, most are outside talking and chatting with there friends. The ones that are already in the classroom - like me - are either the quieter people or the loners. So, pretty much the only other people in here are an Aburama and a Hyuga. The two where Aburama Hitoshi - a guy that constantly wore sunglasses and a crap ton of clothes but was a surprisingly nice person if you could get past the slight creepiness he seemed to emanate - and Hyuga Eru - a girl who wore the traditional Hyuga clothing and thought was to highly of herself.

I doze off a bit, having nothing better to do with my life as I wait for class to start. It soon becomes impossible to doze off when the classroom starts filling up with more and more people as the start of class is nearer.

Most people in the class where kinda boring. There was mostly clan kids and a few civilians by nothing to out of the ordinary. The most out of the ordinary thing about our basic class was an Inuzuka, a year older than all of us that got held back last year. His name is Tokugawa and his pup was named Mon, a sweet and gentle little girl.

No one really knows why he got held back, he was the top of the class, was great in literally everything and was a great team leader. He was on the quiet end for an Inuzuka - especially compared to the the twins who where honestly on a whole different level of crazy - and had also gotten his ninkin a year later than most.

The main reason I was intrigued by him was because of his slight infatuation with the Aburama boy. It was something that most wouldn't see but the slight longing looks when he couldn't sit next to him in class and gentle look he had in his eyes while talking to him was something I couldn't ignore. And frankly, I shipped the hell out of it.

Soon, our teacher enters the class and quiets everyone down. Her name is Yabuta Yoka. Is honestly pretty cool and is pretty much a bad ass lesbian. Of course, I was the only student who knew that part about her. I guess my curse wasn't always shit.

After quieting the class down, she starts making a brief announcement about what's gonna happen today. Everything goes as normal until she says we are gonna have a special guest. At this I feel like banging my head against the table and screaming in frustration. Of course I don't but that still doesn't stop me from wanting to.

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Hello! Thank you for reading!

Anyone have any ideas on who the special guest will be? Who it is will finally make it clear on what part of the Naruto Timeline this is all taking place! So that's exciting!

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