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the chrysanthemum: the flower of fidelity, optimism, joy

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the chrysanthemum: the flower of fidelity, optimism, joy.

in which umi gets dragged to the summer fesitval by the girl who sits in the row behind hers.


her words rung like echoes inside her head. umi shifted on her bed, hands on her stomach, copper eyes plastered on the white ceiling. never would she have expected someone like kotori to come into her life. all this time, she had thought that she was a disappointment, an utter failure in everyone's eyes — but she had almost forgot that she wasn't the only one feeling that way. many people probably felt the same way she did; many people were fighting their own battles silently, like kotori. she realised that the way she had acted the entire time was pure selfish.

but even so, she knows that this self-destructing habit of hers would be extremely difficult to fix. after all, it was practically part of who she was. but she had to change that — and the best part was, she knew she wouldn't have to do it alone. kotori would always be there.

or at least she hoped she would. it was probably wishful thinking.

a loud rap against her dorm door brings her out of her thoughts, and she gets up to answer it. she wasn't expecting anyone, so she was a little confused as to why anyone would be at her door at eight on a thursday evening.


umi clams up immediately, having recognised the chirpy voice in an instant. she was a little scared to open the door now, her hand resting uncertainly on the knob. she could just pretend that she wasn't in; there was no way she'd be able to face kotori after her breakdown a week ago.

"i know you're in there," she calls again, softer this time.

how? umi sighs, breathes in deeply, and opens the door, a little taken aback when she realised that kotori was in a pink-striped yukata, her long grey hair in an elegant braid over her left shoulder. she bursts into an adorable smile when her shimmering golden eyes meet umi's surprised copper ones.

"kotori?" umi takes a few steps back as kotori lets herself into the dormitory, slipping her sandals off in a graceful manner and closing the door behind her.

"why are you home?" kotori replies, standing directly in front of umi, the evening light shining through her golden irises. "there's a summer festival put together by the academy in the square."

"well..." umi trails off, looking away nervously. she really didn't know what to do now they were face-to-face and alone. the past week had been spent locked up in her room, reflecting on herself. she hadn't been out to see kotori at all, and she definitely had not been practicing the words she wanted to say when she did see her. "i've been...busy."

"busy?" kotori tilts her head slightly, and giggles, leaning closer. "with what?"

"er..." umi scratches her nape, retreating even further. "studying?"

kotori snorts cutely and shakes her head. "so convincing."

instead of waiting for umi to justify herself, kotori starts rummaging through her friend's cupboard, sorting through a variety of long-sleeves and sweaters.

"h–hey," umi tried to stop her from going through her clothes, a little embarrassed, a hand reaching out to grasp kotori's shoulder gently.

"there has to be one here..." kotori mumbles to herself, ignoring umi's protests.

"one of what?" umi asks, letting her hand fall, moving to peer over kotori's shoulder as the shorter girl lets out a tiny exclamation, having found what she was looking for.

"this." kotori holds up a neatly folded white-and-pink-polka-dotted yukata, unravelling it gracefully. umi stares at it for a while, then shifts her gaze to kotori's innocent smile.

"hmm?" umi raises an eyebrow, and kotori giggles cutely, inching closer to her taller companion.

"put this on," she shoves it gently into umi's hands, and steps back, satisfied. "you'll come with me to the summer festival."


"no buts," her tone slightly bossy, and she stares pleadingly into umi's copper orbs, and umi feels her heart clench. "please? i don't want to go alone."

"why didn't you go with hachigoro-san–or honoka-san," umi mumbles, looking away yet again. she couldn't resist those golden eyes.

kotori sighs. "honoka-chan has detention, remember? and ha-kun's going with his other friends, i think."

you think? umi thinks exasperatedly. but she could feel kotori's eyes burning into her head, and she couldn't think of any other way to make her leave.

"do you–" kotori moves closer, and umi gulps, having to lean away yet again. how many times did she want to put her in a compromising position? "–want me to go alone?"

"n–no!" umi squeaks, finally facing kotori fully, brows furrowed. kotori just keeps a small sweet smile on her face, and umi groans, tightening her grip around the yukata.

"ugh, fine."


yay! another chapter! have a nice day ahead of you, folks :) see ya in the next one!
- joy

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