Personality cliche 's

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So, you chose a name, and putted a nice scar to your character from when he got bitten by a shark and now he is scared of water, nice. But what about his personality? Now let's start with saying that your characters personality and backstory should not be a moving cliche. But wait can you make a personality and a backstory cliche? You may ask and sadly.. yes. Now let's see some personality cliches:

1#The emotionless:

-"My character is a strait male, he is mysterious and doesn't talk much because he feels annoyed by other people."
-"What's nice, so he probably is antisocial and not very popular!"
-"Also, my character is not like whose female neko killers!! He is completely emotionless! He could even kill a child! He enjoys killing and doesn't feel guilty! But his not a sociopath! He has a girlfriend which is also a killer!"
-"Wait, there are some mistakes: So he is emotionless but loves a girl, he doesn't feel guilty for killing a child but is not sociopath, can you even enjoy things if you are emotionless? And even further, can you even be completely empty? AND STOP MAKING YOUR CHARACTER LOOKING DARK AND STRONG AND COOL BY MAKING HIM NOT FEELING GUILTY FOR KILLING A CHILD, CHILD MURDER IS NOT COOL!!!"

2#The edgy:

-"My character is different! An outcast! A special snowflake! Im not going to make this stupid Jeff the killer or Jane fanfict's!! That's for Mary sues!"
-"Wow! Gotta say im impressed! Im happy to see someone who is going to go creative with their story and not going to become a rip-off of another character or put romanse in their story!"
-"YES! Finnaly someone understands! My character doesn't like pink, pop and makeup like the other girls! She likes knives! And rock! Oh! And creepypasta's! Like EJ! She was bullied in school by those bad girls and she got so fed-up that she killed them and then her family!"
-"You know that most girls these days stoped liking these things long ago right? It's not something shoking if your character doesn't like pop or makeup, yes knives are weird things to like but unless she never stops talking about them then it should't be that much of a problem and it should't be that hard to make friends, male's or female's. So that's not a good reasone to be bullied, and a lot of kids have been victims of bullying and they didn't became serial killers. At last....

3#The depressed:

-"My character had a rough life, tramatizing. Like normal serial killers."
-"Sound's realistic because abuse can cause people to become more aggresive! Tell me more!"
-"Her parent's abused her! And she had no friend's!! People in her school bullied her and were hurting her! She became depressed and started cutting her self!! One day she got abused really badly took a kitchen knife and killed her parent's then went to school the next day and killed her parents. But then she felt for what she did! So she tried to kill her self but slenderman saved her and made her his proxy!"
-"Emm.. well the knife is a little clichè and i don't really get why slenderman saved her... and being in depression doesn't make you cut yourself, being depressed, self-harming and being suicadal are three diffrent things. And WHY DID THEY ABUSED HER!? YOU DON'T JUST START ABUSING YOUR CHILD FOR NO REASON NOR YOU BULLY THEM! WHAT DID THE CHARACTER DO TO MAKE PEOPLE HATE THEM?"

4#The hero:

-"My character is not like most! She still has humanity left in her!"
-"Oh! So she is forced to kill, by a demon or a monster?"
-"Not at all, it's that after she was attacked by Jeff the killer, they fell in love. And she cutted Jeff's smile to her face and joined him in his killing spree! But she only kills murderers and other criminals!"
-"Well... i don't think that after a serial killer attacks and spares his victim he would immedietly fall in love with it. And the whole smile cutting part is a rip-off of Jeff, even if he simly copyrighted the Joker. BUT SHE IS NOT A GOOD PERSON! AND JEFF THE KILLER IS A KILLER, IF SHE WAS KILLING MURDERERS SHE WOULD ALSO HAVE TO KILL JEFF!! AND HER SELF!!"

Now, how do you make a great oc? Well to make them likable make them have humanity, but more of a "My character never kills a mother with her child because when he was young he saw he's mother being murdered and when he tried to kill them he saw himself in the eyes of the kid and spared them." That makes PERFECT SENCE! So ya, make a group of people your character simply can't kill. Another way to win the sympathy is by making the character forced to kill because if they don't they or one of their loved one's will die, and they can't fight the guilt. Or making the story creative and unusuall. Or make the main character intellegent or simply a badass. Now a pro advise, use a mythological creatures.;) you can make your character a really unususall mythical creature but make sure it's something that most people don't know about, it will make you and your oc look cultired! And that's a huge part of your oc, if done right you have your self a golden ticket for the officials, and the slender mansion.;)

●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•●•Now, there is something i forgot to mention that we are going to check, believes, mental illnesies and personalities at different chapters its, thanks for not killing me. Also today we talked about personality cliche's about something you shouldn't do, but what you should do? Maybe we will talk about that next time. And for now, remember "The cat died knowing."

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